Wednesday, 27 August 2008


In County Cork (IRELAND), the first-winter male YELLOW WARBLER remains at Mizen Head, showing well from 0700-0730 hours at least.

DIRECTIONS: From Lissagriffin Lake continue 0.75 miles to the T-junction then turn right to end of road and park carefully. Walk through the gate and along the track to the walled garden, then right across the field to the plantation.

Elsewhere, the juvenile BLACK STORK is again south of York at Wharfe Ings (SE 574 394) (see directions and photographs above by Craig Shaw), the juvenile MARSH SANDPIPER remains at Heybridge GP (Essex) and the WRYNECK is still in the Industrial Estate at Hetton-le-Hole (County Durham) near the Netts Factory on the footpath.