The juvenile ROSE-COLOURED STARLING was still present today in Forest Hill village, just two miles NE of Oxford. The bird was first seen on or about 23 October (according to local residents) and is favouring the gardens along Mickle Way in the NW end of the village at SP 584 080. The bird is consorting with a small flock of Common Starlings and can be regularly seen as it perches on the roofs, aerials and telegraph wires in the lane. Justin Taylor obtained the image above.
It is best to park in Stanton Road and walk in to Mickle Way and always respect the privacy of residents.
There are two post-1900 records of Rose-coloured Starling in Oxfordshire - an adult-type shot near Oxford in spring 1837 (Zoologist 1849: 2598) and a male shot in Eveline on 20 October 1871 (the Field 23rd March 1872: 260).