With nearly a week of high pressure and light easterly winds, a few early migrants have trickled in, forwarding the total number of species recorded in Britain and Ireland in 2009 to 266 species.
Since my last update, the new additions are -:
OSPREY (at least 12 migrants)
Stone Curlew (6+)
IVORY GULL (French first-winter reoriented and occurred in SW Ireland in County Cork for nearly a week)
Common Tern (early migrant in Kent)
EURASIAN EAGLE OWL (breeding pairs in Northern England)
EURASIAN HOOPOE (several migrants)
House Martin (25+)
Tree Pipit (at least 3 early migrants)
Yellow Wagtail (early migrant in Kent)
White Wagtail (100+)
Willow Warbler (45+)