Monday, 14 February 2011

ORIENTAL TURTLE DOVE relocated in Chipping Norton, OXFORDSHIRE

The first-winter ORIENTAL TURTLE DOVE that first appeared in Chipping Norton (Oxfordshire) in mid December 2010 was relocated on Saturday morning in a different garden and was still visiting today. It has been feeding with Collared Doves and Woodpigeons on seed placed on the lawn and has been showing down to just 10 feet from the occupant's window.

The owner of the property has very kindly agreed to allow access tomorrow Tuesday 15 February from 1000 to 1600 hours at a charge of £5.00 per person.


The bird is situated in Chipping Norton in the back garden of 41 The Leys. Please park in the town centre and walk to the site and then wait patiently in a queue for your turn inside the living room. If over 200 people queuing, you may be limited to just 5-10 minutes per viewing and there will be no special dispensation to photographers whilst the pressure is on to get as many people possible to see it.

Lee G R Evans