Tuesday, 30 October 2012


I am just putting together my 2013 Trips Itinerary. I have places available on many at the moment. First off, there are a few places on my very popular ROUND BRITAIN tours - 19-27 January 2013 and 16-25 May 2013. These are exhaustive trips taking in Scotland, Wales, East Anglia and the South Coast, this year's trips respectively recording 192 and 189 species respectively, including ALL of the UK's wintering and breeding specialities bar Lady Amherst's Pheasant and Quail. For more details and to make a reservation, simply email Lee Evans at LGREUK400@aol.com

Also planned for 2013 are trips to Thailand (January), Spain (February, for Spanish Lynx, Bustards & Imperial Eagles), Egypt (March), Israel (March), Cape Verde Islands (April), Georgia/Turkey (April), Spain (May), Morocco & Western Sahara (May), Finland/Sweden/Norway (late May/June for Owls, Great Snipes, Steller's Eiders, etc), and Sicily (June), with more trips to be announced later. Please email me if you fancy joining me on any of the above.

But please remember, these are hard-core birding trips, birding from dawn until dusk and concentrating on seeing ALL of the specialities possible in the shortest time