Monday, 12 November 2012

Lots more PINE GROSBEAKS moving south

Following none seen during the weeekend, a new Danish record 62 PINE GROSBEAKS flew south during 1100-1300 hours today at Nordmandshage, Nordjylland (a coastal site near the Kattegat sea east of Aalborg).

Also very surprisingly one flew north past Blåvands Huk, Vestjylland (the westernmost Danish point, near the Waddensea) - a new species here, and some 10-12 were at Skagen, Nordjylland including 3 ringed by me at Grenen.

Surely they are Russian and Finnish birds leaving Sweden coming in from the sea of Kattegat heading SW (and some NE to Skagen)?

Rolf Christensen