Monday, 6 January 2014


With tidal surges of over 25 feet and Atlantic storms arriving quicker than your average bus, it is hardly surprising that a number of GREY PHALAROPES have been displaced. When I heard that one had been providing observers with crippling views on the South Coast, I could not resist and spent a couple of hours with it today. It was favouring the tiny paddling pool just east of Hove Lagoon (Sussex) and was present for a second day. It was ridiculously confiding, so much so that I ended up with over 900 decent images of it - a selection of which I present below. There was a nice crowd too - mostly Sussex Boys.......

The scene - paddling pool to the east of Hove Lagoon

Tony Cook in action

John King and Gary Messenbird enjoying the view

Luke Dray getting up close and personal