A total of 193 species was recorded on my Round Britain tour of last week with a mouth-watering list of species recorded, a whopping 14 species higher than on my trip in January 2011. Amongst the many highlights were Long-eared Owl, Lapland Bunting, Golden Pheasant, Grey Partridge, Scandinavian Arctic Redpoll, Spotted Redshank, Long-tailed Duck, Ross's Snow Goose, both Tundra & Taiga Bean Geese, Lesser White-front, Shore Lark, Firecrest, Woodcock, Western Sandpiper, Rough-legged Buzzard, Black Brant, Great Grey Shrike, Twite, 34 Common Cranes, 91 Snow Buntings, Mediterranean Gull, Iceland Gull, Black-throated Diver, Black Redstart, Waxwing, Curlew Sandpiper, Smew, Glossy Ibis, Bittern, Ruddy Duck, Short-eared Owl, Cattle Egret, Ring-billed Gull, Spanish Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, Common Crossbill, Hawfinch, Caspian Gull, Dipper, Water Pipit, Bufflehead, Swallow, Siberian Chiffchaff, Slavonian & 45 Black-necked Grebes, Little Gull, Balearic Shearwater, Ring-necked Duck, Cirl Bunting, Red-breasted Goose, American Wigeon, Surf Scoter, both Yellow-browed & Hume's Leaf Warbler, Richard's Pipit, Spoonbill and Little Auk.
I shall be repeating this tour again next January so if you would like to reserve a place, please email me at
LGREUK400@aol.comI will also be conducting a Round Britain tour in May of this year commencing on Thursday 17 May, the first four days in Scotland and then moving south - possibly two spaces remaining
Other forthcoming tours with vacancies include my February trips to Egypt (5 days) and Spain (for Spanish Lynx, Wallcreepers, Spanish Imperial Eagles and bustards - 24-27 Feb), Israel (March), Goshawk display (March), Georgia, Morocco, Estonia and Cape Verde Islands in April and Turkey in early July