The myth of BADGER culpability for bovine TB in cattle is rooted in poor science – and economics.
Firstly, the science. This year, a leading naturalist wrote an updated edition of 'The Fate of the Badger'. He concluded by remarking on the size of the Mycobacterium bovis bacillum – the cause of bovine TB. At 3-4 microns, many thousands could fit on a full stop! Even at 300,000 bacilli per millilitre, it has been estimated that a cow would need to drink three millilitres of badger urine to obtain an infective dose. Thus the size of a badger is irrelevant and many other scapegoats wait in the wings – deer, dogs, cats, pigs, sheep and alpacas all also carry bovine TB.
What is not irrelevant is the mode of transmission or locus of infection: is an animal suffering pulmonary (located in the lungs and caused by inhalation of the bacilli) or extra-pulmonary (elsewhere in the body) TB? Cows tend to get the former. It has been known since the 1980's that “kissing cows” – nuzzling each other over fences – are the principal route of transmission, so why this fixation on badgers? Extra-pulmonary TB occasionally affects badgers and is caused by bite wounds affecting the neck. It is much less infectious than pulmonary TB.
Secondly, the Economics. The economic rationale for culling badgers is bound up with the question: who controls the countryside? Just 36,000 individuals own half of rural land in England and Wales. These big landowners are members of the Country Land and Business Association and the National Farmers Union (NFU). And Defra and the NFU are bosom buddies: next door neighbours in Smith Square, London. Modern farming is a business and there is little space for sentiment in business. The NFU is inordinately powerful, yet most farmers are pretty ignorant about life beyond the farm gate. Most have no conception of epidemiology or biological processes yet, as a force, they are loud and intimidatory, even behind the collars and ties of the NFU. But if farmers were better businessmen, they’d rumble the NFU propaganda they’ve been fed for so long and direct their ire at the politicians, not a defenceless, harmless wild animal that just happens to be big and noticeable.
The bloody killing continues because of politics. The badger cull is an intellectual heirloom.
Continuing to cull badgers to demonstrate their commitment to tackling bovine TB, ministers cannot – dare not – admit that original fatal error. As Albert Einstein remarked: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” The trouble is, as Robin Day noted during the Falklands war, politicians are “here today, gone tomorrow”. Cows continue to die of bovine TB and innocent badgers continued to be killed because politicians are the ultimate short-term animal.
Thursday, 29 December 2016
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Trapped & Ringed on PURPOSE - what should the ethics of ringing be?
Yesterday, two local ringers took it upon themselves to trap and ring the DESERT WHEATEAR that has chosen to overwinter on the tiny beach at Thurlestone in South Devon. They came along with a spring trap and placed it strategically in a position where the bird regularly feeds. They then placed mealworms in the trap to entice the bird in. They were clearly delighted when their efforts worked and went charging over the shingle, racing to extract their prize from the trap. This is purposeful, targeting ringing in my book and an outrage - I am expecting a viable explanation from the British Trust for Ornithology. Upon handling, the two ringers discovered that the bird, a first-winter male, was in relatively poor health, with a Fat Score of just 1 after 5 weeks on site.
Now, I am not against the ringing of birds per se, as it can be very beneficial for birds and their habitat at times and can go a long way towards conservation but this particular episode is very, very concerning. I don't see any benefits from ringing a lone vagrant and certainly don't want to encourage this sort of behaviour. Twitchers and bird photographers get a hell of a lot of bad press for 'harassing' rare birds from these so-called 'scientists' but it seems a national organisation can allow this to happen unchallenged. I am awaiting a response from the top honcho of the BTO but I won't hold my breath as I am still to this day to be told why they sanctioned the trapping of a vagrant churring Nightjar close to me, a territorial bird that was never seen again after being manhandled 'illegally' (in my view) - another targeted trapping.
I have been supporting and championing the efforts of the BTO for the past three years in supplying them nearly 100,000 records of bird data but I am afraid if I don't get answers on this, that support will be withdrawn as of 1st January 2017. The ball is in their court. We cannot have one rule for ringers yet another one for twitchers and bird photographers
Friday, 18 November 2016
15 new members of a most exclusive club
Following an exceptional autumn that has seen
the likes of 13 Siberian Accentors, 5 White's Thrushes, 4 Black-throated
Thrushes, a Siberian Thrush, an Eyebrowed Thrush, 5 Asiatic Brown Shrikes, a
Black-faced Bunting, Eastern Kingbird, 2 North American Cliff Swallows, 7 Pine
Buntings, Eastern Crowned Warbler, 5 Isabelline Wheatears, 5 Eastern Yellow
Wagtails, perhaps 7 Stejneger's Stonechats and a Killdeer this past week, an
unprecedented number of twitchers have now crossed through that magical 500
barrier, resulting in 325 in total. Steve Gantlett, on the other hand, becomes
the first to reach 600 (with Siberian Accentor) and is now three clear of his
nearest rival Chris Heard on 602
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
A SIBERIAN ACCENTOR irruption into Europe sees UK's first records
Autumn 2016 - the Year of the SIBERIAN ACCENTOR
When news of a Siberian Accentor trapped &
ringed on Utsira (Norway) on 6th August 2011 hit the headlines, no birder could have
foreseen what was to follow just five years later in October 2016. With a protracted
period of strong East/NE winds starting late September and continuing well into
October, indications of something incredible happening began in Finland on 4th
October, when another Siberian Accentor was discovered, followed by several more
in Scandinavia over the next few days. It seems that because of a particularly
bumper breeding season in Arctic Russia, presumably due to a startling bloom in
insect matter, this tiny but beautiful Dunnock-like bird has irrupted. So much
so, that by 24th October, a staggering 153 had been discovered in Europe,
including 56 in Sweden, 45 in Finland, 10 in Denmark, 7 in Germany, 6 in
Estonia, 6 in Poland, 5 in Latvia, 5 in Norway, 3 in Lithuania and a single in
The Netherlands. With such a huge arrival, it was inevitable that the UK would
share in, that being achieved when a brightly marked individual was discovered
by Judd Hunt in a small quarry at Scousburgh (Shetland) on 9th October - the
first record for Britain & Ireland. As one would expect, that sparked off an
epic twitch, with no fewer than 177 observers connecting during its two-day
stay. However, for those with less money or time to spend on the hobby, the
prayers were answered on 13th October, when Spurn stalwart Lance Degnan
discovered a first-winter feeding at close range with up to 4 Dunnocks on hard
standing opposite Easington Gas Refinery in East Yorkshire. Being at such an
accessible location for many, this bird was a real top drawer, attracting over
4,000 observers in its week-long stay! In fact, the irruption proved remarkably
kind to the home range, Britain reaping 9 different records between 9th and 24th
October - truly sensational!
1) Scousburgh, Shetland, 9th-10th
2) Easington Village, East Yorkshire, 13th-19th
3) Huntscliff, Saltburn, Cleveland, 15th
4) Hendon South Dock, Sunderland, County Durham,
16th-18th October;
5) Holy Island, Northumberland, 18th
6) Troila Geo, Fair Isle, 20th
7) Lund, Unst, Shetland, 22nd-24th
8) Fair Isle, 22nd October;
9) Sandside Bay, Deerness, Orkney, 24th
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
PURPLE GALLINULE in North Lincolnshire
An adult has been discovered this afternoon at Alkborough Flats NR, 8 miles north of Scunthorpe, showing at 250-300 yards range at the reed edge from the first hide. Use the car park off of Whitton Road DN15 9JG. This record comes very hard on the heels of our first considered genuine Purple Gallinule at Minsmere RSPB Reserve (Suffolk) on 31st July to 4th August and associated with a widespread dispersal from breeding grounds in France due to severe drought.
Monday, 1 August 2016
Saturday, 25 June 2016
Vilified in the Birding World for voting LEAVE
One bout of abuse after another - that has been the response on my twitter feed since the British people overwhelmingly (by over 1.25 million) decided to LEAVE the European Union during Thursday's referendum vote. I make no secret of the fact that I am extremely right wing in my political views and anybody that knows me personally would be well aware of that. However, it's my lack of support for the EU Birds Directive that seems to be getting up people's goat. I have already explained much of the reasoning's behind this on my facebook page but what gets me, is the vitriol coming from those with an invested interest in supporting a REMAIN position. Many of these moaning birdwatchers are on the EU payroll, getting grossly overpaid by up to £340 per day for conducting surveys involving wildfarms, solar farms, new roads, HS2 and other infrastructure projects. EU demands unnecessarily that Great Crested Newt surveys should be conducted everywhere so that they can be moved elsewhere and it is literally 'money for old rope'. Property developers and builders aren't interested one iota what natural habitats or creatures are being destroyed - they just have to be seen going through the motions and get the surveys done by a recognised or registered 'ecologist' - it's a complete con. For a while I got sucked in, working on HS2 surveys, but soon realised it was 'blood money', when developers and councillors didn't have any concern whatsoever for the rare bats and butterflies that fell within the route, the loss of Ancient Woodland and all of its Bluebells and Badger setts and the breeding Corn Buntings, Yellow Wagtails, European Turtle Doves, Tree Sparrows, Yellowhammers and Linnets I found and censused along the route. It was a traversty and I rapidly resigned. Plenty of people are throwing lists of achievements they claim are attributed to the EU legislation but little evidence of when the Commissioners actually applied that legislation - it's all a Red Herring. Did the RSPB, BTO, Wildlife Trusts, etc explain, for example, the success of EU legislation in preventing the shooting of migrating birds throughout the Mediterranean? Of course not! Did it explain or prevent the decision by the SNH to order the destruction of up to 5,800 Greenland Barnacle Geese on Islay each winter? Of course not! Did any of them attempt to prevent several restaurants from legally obtaining up to 2,500 eggs from nesting Black-headed & Mediterranean Gulls in the Solent? Of course not! Were efforts and legislation passed in order to prevent the decline of farmland birds throughout the EU region and a ban on the harvesting of European Turtle Doves? Of course not! And what of our seas? Were these conservation charities proud of the EU's record in maintaining the biodiversity and abundance of our sealife during these 43 years - I think not! And then there is the vexed issue of farm animal welfare...
Did any of these groups highlight what effect increased human population growth has on our wildlife Can we continue obliviously on without delimiting the ever-increasing volume of people. Are they of the opinion that the more houses, roads, factories, towns and cities there are in this country, the easier it becomes to feed and water ourselves, and make a countryside better for wildlife. Come on! Do these groups all deny that habitat loss is the principal cause of biodiversity loss and a catastrophic decline in abundance? Do they deny that habitat loss is principally caused by human activity and population increase? I see no mention of population growth in their promotional blurb, that's because they daren't talk about it, but more than happy to take the money and ignore the core issue. The referendum result shows that each of these conservation organisations, as well as all mainstream political parties, are living in denial of a basic fact which most ordinary tax-paying Brits have little difficulty in identifying and making a voting point on. These same ordinary people have no problem talking about it either, but the political class refuse to, and this mindset is supported by our wildlife organisations. Population growth adversely affects climate change too. The reality is, is that until human population growth is tackled, the planet will continue to suffer significant and irreversible declines in wildlife and ever increasing greenhouse emissions.
And so to the Referendum in question.....
If you take out the votes of Greater London, Scotland and Northern Ireland from the overall count, there was an overwhelming majority of people in England and Wales that voted in favour of quitting an undemocratic European Union. In fact the majority was so ginormous that it was easily able to dwarf the impressive majorities in favour of remaining in these three regions by well over one and a quarter million votes! Proof if ever needed that the great British public has finally woken up, completely ignoring the advice of their governments, both Tory and Labour, as well as the Lib Dems, Plaid Cymru and the Greens.
There are genuine reasons for this -:
1) Northern Ireland is still driven with sectarian bigotry and voting there was highly influenced by religious/community belief rather than economic...
2) The greater Ireland is a major beneficiary of the EU and even though their economy has largely been ruined by the euro currency, an overhaul of housing and road infrastructure has seen a transformation of fortunes. It has a population deficit and thus shares little in common with the pressure on housing, congestion, environment that we here in England will experience
3) Scotland is another major beneficiary of EU aid and it is in their interest to Remain but how the SNP can both govern itself and hand over power to Brussels is beyond me. But again, Scotland largely benefits from massive open spaces, away from the conurbations of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen, and can easily sustain a marked arrival of new immigrants, unlike much of Southeast England, the Midlands and Northeast. However, the ability of Scotland to break away from the UK is greatly vexed, North Sea Oil values having evaporated to leave a somewhat cumbersome deficit. Furthermore, it will not be able to join the EU and keep the pound sterling - can't see to many Scots looking forward to the euro!
4) London is hugely multi-cultural and is an overcrowded, heavily congested, expensive, polluted metropolis alienated from the environment; it has an enormous housing and congestion crisis. The majority of people living there have no idea how much countryside is required to produce their food nor are they bothered.
Did any of these groups highlight what effect increased human population growth has on our wildlife Can we continue obliviously on without delimiting the ever-increasing volume of people. Are they of the opinion that the more houses, roads, factories, towns and cities there are in this country, the easier it becomes to feed and water ourselves, and make a countryside better for wildlife. Come on! Do these groups all deny that habitat loss is the principal cause of biodiversity loss and a catastrophic decline in abundance? Do they deny that habitat loss is principally caused by human activity and population increase? I see no mention of population growth in their promotional blurb, that's because they daren't talk about it, but more than happy to take the money and ignore the core issue. The referendum result shows that each of these conservation organisations, as well as all mainstream political parties, are living in denial of a basic fact which most ordinary tax-paying Brits have little difficulty in identifying and making a voting point on. These same ordinary people have no problem talking about it either, but the political class refuse to, and this mindset is supported by our wildlife organisations. Population growth adversely affects climate change too. The reality is, is that until human population growth is tackled, the planet will continue to suffer significant and irreversible declines in wildlife and ever increasing greenhouse emissions.
And so to the Referendum in question.....
If you take out the votes of Greater London, Scotland and Northern Ireland from the overall count, there was an overwhelming majority of people in England and Wales that voted in favour of quitting an undemocratic European Union. In fact the majority was so ginormous that it was easily able to dwarf the impressive majorities in favour of remaining in these three regions by well over one and a quarter million votes! Proof if ever needed that the great British public has finally woken up, completely ignoring the advice of their governments, both Tory and Labour, as well as the Lib Dems, Plaid Cymru and the Greens.
There are genuine reasons for this -:
1) Northern Ireland is still driven with sectarian bigotry and voting there was highly influenced by religious/community belief rather than economic...
2) The greater Ireland is a major beneficiary of the EU and even though their economy has largely been ruined by the euro currency, an overhaul of housing and road infrastructure has seen a transformation of fortunes. It has a population deficit and thus shares little in common with the pressure on housing, congestion, environment that we here in England will experience
3) Scotland is another major beneficiary of EU aid and it is in their interest to Remain but how the SNP can both govern itself and hand over power to Brussels is beyond me. But again, Scotland largely benefits from massive open spaces, away from the conurbations of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen, and can easily sustain a marked arrival of new immigrants, unlike much of Southeast England, the Midlands and Northeast. However, the ability of Scotland to break away from the UK is greatly vexed, North Sea Oil values having evaporated to leave a somewhat cumbersome deficit. Furthermore, it will not be able to join the EU and keep the pound sterling - can't see to many Scots looking forward to the euro!
4) London is hugely multi-cultural and is an overcrowded, heavily congested, expensive, polluted metropolis alienated from the environment; it has an enormous housing and congestion crisis. The majority of people living there have no idea how much countryside is required to produce their food nor are they bothered.
Delight at Brexit and my experiences with the EU Birds Directive
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Patch birder Paul Freestone had a Pelican species fly over him at Gwithian, east of Hayle (Cornwall), on Saturday afternoon (7th May), this same bird being seen on Sunday in St Ives Harbour, Cape Cornwall and later off Land's End and Porthgwarra. With some excellent photographs taken, it soon became apparent that the bird was an adult DALMATIAN PELICAN - the first to be seen in Britain since 16 November 1974 (Evans 1991, Rare Birds in Britain 1800-1990, page 14). With its identification confirmed, next job was to try and find out its origin and with both Hayle Wildlife Park's Pink-backed Pelicans accounted for, Paignton Zoo was contacted and that drew a blank too. In fact, all five of the UK's captive Dalmatian Pelicans were soon found to be behind 'bars' so the investigation widened. Ace intelligence officer Christopher Batty was soon 'on the case' and armed with Steve's superb flight shots from Cornwall soon got a match - it was an adult seen a month earlier in Poland, still bearing the broken p7! As a result of this information, the twitch was on and the news of its presence viral....
After a quick conversation with CBWPS Bird News operative and keen Cornish birder David Parker, local birders were soon on the ground and searching hard and within no time at all, Mark Halliday had intercepted it - flying in high from the south at Swingates House, Land's End at around 0910 on 9th. Seemingly it dropped down on the small fishpond within the grounds to feed but as the first of the locals arrived, it took flight from the pond and drifted off in the direction of Skewjack Pools. It quickly became apparent that the bird was doing its best to find somewhere to land and feed and for the next few hours, commuted between Skewjack and Brew Pools but without much success. It also visited Trevorian Pool at Sennen briefly (where some stunning photographs were taken) as well as standing forlorn in a ploughed field for the best part of an hour SW of Escalls Chapel. The weather then started deteorating and after being flushed from near Skewjack late afternoon, it then went to ground early evening as heavy rain and high winds set in. Around 100 twitchers had managed to connect including Neil Alford from North Norfolk!
Tuesday 10 May dawned foggy and grey with poor visibility continuing throughout much of the morning. A couple of hundred birders had gathered, spreading themselves widely between Land's End, Polgigga, Escalls, Sennen and Marazion. Hours of searching then followed but other than a singing male Serin and two vagrant Woodchat Shrikes, the Pelican was not to be found. Late in the morning a shout went out that the bird had been seen flying east south of St Michael's Mount at Marazion and a whacky races style departure hastily took place, with carloads of twitchers heading first for Marazion and then onward to Helston Loe Pool, Helston Boating Pond and the Hayle Estuary! It later transpired that the information was erroneous - it had actually related to a flyover Osprey - and as everybody was otherwise waylaid, the Dalmatian Pelican itself reappeared - circling the Land's End complex from about 1115. It remained in flight for a long period of time, drifting very slowly southeast towards Skewjack and Nanjizal, before finally dropping down onto the Porthgwarra pools some 45 minutes later. Fortunately, the majority of car-loads managed to get back in time, but as John Chappell endeavoured to video the bird at PG, it took flight again and spent the next hour or more criss-crossing the Penwith countryside, flying back & forth over Bosistow Lane on numerous occasions. At around 1320 hours and with the sky clearing and temperatures rising to 21 degrees C, it thermalled ever higher in the sky, seemingly disappearing to the east. I stopped watching it then, as did the majority of others, but as further twitchers arrived during the afternoon, it was relocated several more times in the vicinity, Keith Holland and his mother last reporting it at around 1530 hours.
Just 14 twitchers connected on Wednesday morning - the bird once more visiting Porthgwarra, Nanjizal and Swingates House - before dense fog blanketed the Penwith peninsular and remained throughout much of Thursday - a day of just two brief reports from St Buryan.
Peter De Vries very kindly supplied me with a detailed summary of European sightings since 2014, 'our' particular adult being first sighted at Chygirynskae Water Reservoir in BELARUS from 10-15 January 2016. It was then relocated in POLAND, where it remained at Przygodzice Fishponds from 6-11 April 2016 before moving to GERMANY, where it visited numerous locations from Berlin, Brandenburg, Volkmannsdorf and Worms between 14 April and 1 May 2016. By 3rd May, it had reached Alsace in France, and with strong Southeasterly winds, hot conditions and clear skies made its landfall in West Cornwall on 7th May.
Four further Dalmatian Pelicans had been recorded in NW Europe since 2014 including a juvenile in Germany that had escaped from Zoo Munster on 20th November of that year and had survived in that country until 29th April 2015 before relocating to Poland from 14th August 2015 until at least 3rd May 2016. A second immature was then believed to have escaped prior to pinioning at Amneville, France, in February 2015, this bird visiting a fishpond in Borow, Poland, from 7th March to 2nd April 2015. There then followed two considered vagrants, both in Lithuania - in Kelme District from 21st May 2015 to 6th January 2016 and at Nemunas Delta on 3rd July 2015.
Elsewhere in Europe, four individuals, a breeding pair and two offspring, are free-flying in Italy, while in France, up to 40 individuals are known to be resident at a single Zoo, several adults of which are free-flying but fortunately marked with green rings.
Sunday, 10 April 2016
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Additional trip to LATVIA added.....
Due to the overwhelming success of my recent LATVIAN tour, I am adding a further excursion there from 31 May to 4 June 2016 - please email me for details
Furthermore, still have a single place on my MOROCCO tour of 7-11 JUNE 2016. Please contact me for further details
Also still space on my Scottish Weekender incorporating close-up views of breeding-plumaged White-billed Divers 14-18 APRIL 2016 and a single space on my ROUND BRITAIN TOUR 14-23 MAY 2016
Also SPAIN in June for Red-necked Nightjars, White-rumped Swifts and more
Later in the year, have space still on extensive tours of India, Sri Lanka and Thailand
Sunday, 6 March 2016
Vacancies still available on forthcoming Tours in 2016
Still have a single place on my MOROCCO tour of 7-11 JUNE 2016. Please contact me for further details
Also still space on my Scottish Weekender incorporating close-up views of breeding-plumaged White-billed Divers 14-18 APRIL 2016 and a single space on my ROUND BRITAIN TOUR 14-23 MAY 2016
Also SPAIN in June for Red-necked Nightjars, White-rumped Swifts and more
Later in the year, have space still on extensive tours of India, Sri Lanka and Thailand
Contact me on for additional details
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Rare Birds in Britain & Ireland in 2015
& IRELAND IN 2015: A Review of the Year
2015 turned out to be the warmest since records began
in 1890, while the El Nino effect that had influenced so much of the autumn
resulted in the wettest November and December in many parts of the country,
bringing unprecedented flooding to parts of Lancashire, Cumbria, Dumfries &
Galloway and Aberdeenshire. In terms of bird diversity, at just 434 species for
combined Britain & Ireland, 2015 was one of the poorest years this
As in 2014, there was just a single new species for
the list in 2015 – an Acadian Flycatcher at Dungeness in September. There were
many other outstanding occurrencies though, favourites among many being the
Citril Finch, Wilson’s Warbler, Cretszchmar’s Bunting, Hudsonian Godwit,
Hudsonian Whimbrel, Great Blue Heron, Crag Martin, Rufous Turtle Dove or
Greater Yellowlegs. Leading UK lister Steve Gantlett was just six species shy
of the Big 600 as we entered the New Year – will 2016 see him make the magic
milestone? Only time will tell.
The Systematic
List that follows highlights the major ornithological rarity events that
headlined during the year – a somewhat sumptuous array of lost waifs.........
The regular adult in Mount’s Bay, Penzance (Cornwall)
back for its 7th consecutive winter was seen intermittently until 8th
March, while that off Pendower Beach (Cornwall) was with Black-throated Divers
on at least 17th-22nd February. The Mount’s Bay adult
reappeared on 30th April, in full breeding splendour, gracing the
bay until 4th May, before returning for its 8th winter on
26th November.
Another good year. Wintering records included singles
in Bluemull Sound (Shetland) until 15th March, off Kirkabister
(Shetland) until 5th March and at St Margaret’s Hope, South
Ronaldsay (Orkney) until 20th March. Up to 12 were then recorded in
the cold waters between Portsoy and Burghead Between 13th March and
10th May, while elsewhere in spring, at least 3 were offshore of
Port Nis, Lewis (Outer Hebrides) from 16th-20th April and
singles in Gruinard Bay (Highland) on 15th April, Water Sound
(Orkney) again from 17th April to 9th May, Eshaness
(Shetland) on 1st May and Quendale (Shetland) on 2nd May.
The regular Bluemull Sound adult reappeared in Shetland on 28th
A tired transatlantic migrant spent the day resting on
the River Severn off Berkeley Power Station (Gloucs) on 24th April
before moving north overnight to Leighton Moss RSPB (Lancs), where it delighted
large numbers of admirers from 25th April to 4th May.
A spate of sightings off SW Ireland in early August
perhaps involving 4 or 5 individuals followed by one photographed 16 km SSE of
St Mary’s (Scilly) on 16th August and others flying past Kilcummin Head
(Co. Mayo) on 23rd August, both Flamborough Head & Scarborough
(Yorkshire) on 8th September
Dave Flumm watched one for 5 minutes from 0817-0822
off Pendeen Watchpoint (Cornwall) on 29th July and then had the
audacity to see another at the same site on 31st August, this one
lingering less shortly.
Rather unusually, the first of the year was sighted
110 miles WNW of Slyne Head (Co. Galway) on 21st April. This was
then followed by rather a lean autumn with singles off Mizen Head (Co. Cork) on
8th & 12th August, The Stags (Co. Cork) on 9th
August, Toe Head (Co. Cork) on 9th August, Baltimore Pelagic Trips
(Co.Cork) on 15th, 16th & 29th August and
Bridges of Ross (Co. Clare) on 25th August. Bob Flood’s Scilly
pelagic failed to reap results until as late as 14th August,
recording just 1-2 birds from then until 15th September.
Undisputed record of the year involved an adult
Black-browed Albatross that joined a small group of Mute Swans behind West
Hide, Minsmere RSPB (Suffolk) for just a few minutes during a heavy rainstorm
on 12th July. One of the most incredulous records ever! It was the same
bird that has spent two summers on Helgoland in Germany.
About a dozen lucky observers watched a sub-adult pass
Gwennap Head, Porthgwarra (Cornwall) from 0805-0810 hours on 28th
The first of the spring was unfortunately found dead
at St Buryan (Cornwall) on 12th May. This was then followed by a
rather confiding male on Porthloo Duckpond, St Mary’s (Scilly) from 13th May to
9th June before a barking male was located at Lakenheath Fen RSPB
(Suffolk) from 16th May until 26th June. Further birds
were then located in Cornwall, with a long-stayer at Tresemple Pool/St Clement
from 17th-28th May and at Helston Loe Pool on 17th
May. At the regular breeding site in Somerset at Shapwick Heath NNR, no less
than 4 barking males were present between mid May and early July, while further
records involved a male at Kirkby-on-Bain GP (Lincs) on 28th June
and barking males at Old Moor RSPB (South Yorks) from 30th June to 18th
August, Swillington Ings (West Yorks) on 11th-12th July
and Willington GP (Derbyshire) on 2nd August.
A first-winter afforded some very fine views as it
frequented the reedy edge of Castlefreke Lake (Co. Cork) from 25th
November until 6th December, constituting the first-ever twitchable
individual in Ireland.
A juvenile roosted in Nickoll’s Quarry, Hythe (Kent)
from 14th-23rd January, possibly that seen at Steyning
(West Sussex) on 25th January. This was then followed by an influx
in early April involving at least 9 different individuals on Scilly, some of
which sadly did not survive: 3-6 in the Lower Moors/Porthellick area of St
Mary’s from 2nd April to at least 7th May, one on St
Agnes from 3rd-9th April and 3 on Tresco on 5th
April. Further arrivals then took place later in April at Marazion Marsh
(Cornwall), Kingsbridge & Black Hole Marsh, Seaton (Devon), Bournemouth
(Dorset), Burgh-le-Marsh (Lincs) and Attenborough (Notts), with 2 together at
Kinsley (Yorks). Two remained in Cornwall into May, with up to 3 reported on
the Somerset Levels throughout June. An adult was present in the Swillington
Ings area (West Yorks) from 18th August to 3rd September.
In Ireland, a juvenile remained in Youghal (Co. Cork)
until at least 4th February
Two remained from December 2014 at Dungeness RSPB
until at least 26th April , with presumably the third from that area
in December at Hamstreet (Kent) from 11th February until April and
at Warehorne (Kent) on 5th-19th May, at Cooling Marshes
(Kent) on 31st May and at Hersden (Kent) on 13th June.
One then returned to Somerset, being seen near Trull on 25th, while
further singles were noted at Rutland Water (Leics) on 16th June,
both Trimley & Shotley Marshes in Suffolk on 28th June and at St
Andrews (Fife) on 29th July. There then followed an almost
unprecedented influx at the end of August, with a single flock of 25 birds at
Brighstone (Isle of Wight) on 30th, leaving 23 at Coward’s Marsh,
Christchurch (Dorset) later in the day with the additional two at nearby
Stanpit Marsh. The flock then dispersed and continued inland and west, with
several reaching South Wales and others appearing in Devon and Somerset. At
least eight remained until the turn of the year, with at least 3 in Devon and 2
in Somerset.
The West Country saw two arrive in early May, with
singles present at Polgigga (Cornwall) from 5th-12th and
Prawle Point (Devon) on 9th-16th, with further arrivals
from mid-month involving singles at South Milton Ley (Devon) on 13th,
Beesands Ley, Slapton (Devon) on 16th-17th, Land’s End
(Cornwall) on 15th-17th, Nanjizal on 15th,
Goonhilly Downs on the Lizard (Cornwall) on 16th and at Marazion
Marsh RSPB (Cornwall) from 6th-10th June. A long-stayer
was also present on Scilly from 14th May to 3rd June,
favouring Porthellick Pool, St Mary’s, with one in Ireland at Ballycotton Marsh
(Co. Cork) on 22nd May and further singles at Saltholme Pools
(Cleveland) on 18th & 26th June, Kirkby-on-Bain GP
(Lincs) on 27th June, Cemlyn Bay (Anglesey) on 30th June
and at Southease (East Sussex) on 3rd July. In October, one was seen
at Nanjizal on 24th, then at nearby Skewjack on 26th.
Only the third-ever for Britain – a first-winter – remained
on the Isles of Scilly from 14th April until 6th May.
Initially commuting between Lower Moors and Old Town Bay, St Mary’s, on 14th-15th
April, it then relocated to Bryher’s Hell Bay, where it invariably showed well
from 16th-25th April. It then became even more confiding,
visiting the hide pools on Lower Moors from 27th April until 6th
Further breeding took place in Somerset this year with
at least 6 young fledging, while wintering numbers in the first winter period
averaged 52 birds and 61 birds in the second, Dungeness once again attracting
up to 12 individuals and Shapwick Heath NNR at least 19.
Another below average year with just eight in spring involving
singles at Drift Reservoir (Cornwall) from 20th April until 29th
May, Broad Lough (Co. Wicklow) on 29th April, Bryher & St Mary’s
(Scilly) on 3rd-4th May, Lodmoor (Dorset) on 12th-29th
May, Rye Harbour NR (East Sussex) on 13th May, Dungeness RSPB (Kent)
on 13th May, St Martin’s (Scilly) on 15th-16th
& 26th-28th May (and subsequently St Mary’s & St
Agnes on 14th-25th June), Kenfig Pool NR (Gower) on 19th-23rd
June and Ham Wall again on 24th June & 4th July. As
autumn approached, a first-summer took up residence at King’s Fleet, Felixstowe
Ferry (Suffolk) from 14th July to 10th August, with one
briefly at Cley (Norfolk) on 22nd July. The last of the year was at
Steart WWT (Somerset) on 14th October.
One drifted slowly SW into the Wash from Scolt Head
Island, Old Hunstanton and Snettisham RSPB (Norfolk) on 21st-22nd
May, being reseen over Frampton Marsh RSPB, Boston and Kirkby-on-Bain GP
(Lincs) on 22nd, then Midhope Moor (South Yorks) on 23rd
May. One was then seen over Marloes Mere & Skomer Island (Pembs) on 25th
May, making its way further east to Nantyffyllon (East Glamorgan) on 25th,
Coed Morgan (Gwent) on 26th, Skomer again on 2nd June,
Newton Abbot (Devon) on 5th June, both Marazion Marsh and
Constantine (Cornwall) on 7th June, over Penzance, Nanjizal &
Polgigga on 8th June before later flying out to Scilly, drifting
west over St Mary’s and then St Agnes. It moved back to St Martin’s on 9th
then Cornwall later that day, drifting once more back up country at Three
Barrows. A different bird, first noted at Tuddenham St Mary (Suffolk) on 9th
June, was seen at both Narborough and South Raynham (Norfolk) on 12th,
while a juvenile first seen at Wenhaston Marsh (Suffolk) on 28th
July was found to be one of four fledged from a nest in France, all
colour-ringed. Another sibling ranged widely in the Northeast, moving from
Greatham Creek (Cleveland) on 1st August to Haggerston
(Northumberland) next day, with ‘F 05R’ eventually settling at Spurn Point from
3rd-10th August before relocating to Sunk Island and
Stone Creek until 15th September. A separate family member kept to
the south side of the Humber, visiting Blacktoft Sands RSPB (East Yorks) on 3rd
August, then various localities south to Gibraltar Point (Lincs) until 1st
September, perhaps even making it to Cley NWT on 5th. One was then
seen at Hoveringham GP (Notts) on 4th August, before being seen over
Mickleby and Wykeham Forest (North Yorks) next day while F 05P made it to Loch
of Strathbeg RSPB (Aberdeenshire), where it lingered from 6th-23rd
August. Another (unringed juvenile) made it to the South Coast, drifting over
Hythe & Dungeness (Kent) on 7th August before stalling in East
Sussex, where it took up territory in Bexhill-on-Sea for several weeks, last
being noted flying high out to sea on 5th September. One was also in
Dorset, visiting various sites in Poole Harbour on 8th-9th
August before moving west to Portland, Weymouth and various sites on The Fleet
until 12th and then on to Cornwall and Wadebridge on 17th
August with another in off the sea at Landguard NR (Suffolk) on 28th
August being later seen at Clacton-on-Sea (Essex) that day and over Staines
Moor (Middlesex) on 18th September. Sadly, F 05R was shot near Madrid
on 20th September.
In the first winter period, few birds were around,
with long-staying birds just in Cambs, South Devon and County Waterford. March
saw a minor arrival but with just 3 individuals surviving into May. By early
autumn, birds were back, with singles at Brough Airfield Marsh (South Yorks) on
1st-2nd August and at Marloes Mere (Pembs) on 1st
August preceding another minor influx, including 5 birds perhaps of Nearctic
rather than Iberian origin on Fair Isle for over a week or more. At least 8
birds remained into January 2016, with Ireland experiencing a major irruption
in the last week of the year, with 25 or more in County Cork and Waterford..
A party of 4 birds originating from a 2014 Swedish
reintroduction project commuted between Minsmere RSPB Levels, North Warren
& Sudbourne Levels (Suffolk) from 30th December 2014 to 3rd
January, before being satellite-tracked back to Belgium as harsh weather
conditions on the near continent receded. A further family party from the same
scheme appeared in Shetland in September, remaining for at least a month.
On Islay (Argyll), 1-2 were with Barnacle Geese at
Loch Gruinart RSPB and environs until 13th March, while in North
Uist, one remained with Barnacle Geese on Berneray Machair until at least 9th
February. At least two reappeared in mid-October, remaining into 2016.
In Ireland, a regular returning adult was with
Barnacle Geese at Lissadell (Co. Sligo) until at least 20th February,
returning as usual in October.
One was with Pink-footed Geese in the East
Chevington/Druridge Bay area (Northumberland) from 24th January
until 20th February, relocating to Stobswood until 8th
March. It then returned to Scotland where it lingered in the Tullibody area
(Fife) from 11th-24th March. What was presumably the same
adult returned to central Scotland in November, moving with Pinkfeet to
Carstairs from at least 1st-12th December.
The Orkney adult was with Greylag Geese on Stronsay on
25th January, while in autumn, an adult arrived with Dark-bellied
Brent Geese and flew SW past Landguard NR (Suffolk) on 30th
A drake visited Samson (Scilly) on 19th
January, before relocating to the Abbey Pool on Tresco from 27th
January to 17th April, while the long-staying Strontian (Highland
Region) drake was sighted again on 19th April.
In the first winter period, at least 8 were present
(including one in Ireland and 2 females together on the Gannel Estuary in
Cornwall), with 5 migrant males in spring, including two drakes in
Aberdeenshire. Six had returned by October
A drake, presumed to be a returning bird, was at The
Shunan (Orkney) from 17th January to 12th April, while in
spring, a drake remained at Donna Nook (Lincs) from 12th-28th
The almost resident drake of unknown origin was present
at Kingfisher Lake, Blashford (Hants) until 6th March and then again
from 10th November into 2015, while a female remained at Slimbridge
WWT (Gloucs) until 2nd March. A female was then sighted at Lakenheath
Fen RSPB (Suffolk) on 21st-22nd March. In the second
winter period, a ‘new’ drake appeared at Washington WWT (Co. Durham) in
October, actually joining 10 or so captive Ferruginous Ducks in their pen; it
remained into 2016, while a drake bearing a metal ring resided at Dinton
Pastures Country Park (Berks) from 6th December into 2016.
In the first winter period, regular drakes were in
Cardiff Bay at the Wetlands NR and Cosmeston Lakes (East Glamorgan) until 4th
March and Dozmary Pool, Bodmin Moor (Cornwall) until 9th March, Llangorse
Lake (Powys) until 28th February, with a putative at Martnaham Loch
(Ayrshire) from 1st January into April. In spring, a drake visited
Trimley Marshes SWT (Suffolk) on 7th April, with a female on South
Uist (Outer Hebrides) from 11th-15th April, while further
records involved a drake at Wintersett Reservoir (South Yorks) from 4th-17th
May (interestingly the same nasal-saddled bird that had overwintered at
Llangorse Lake) and a returning drake at Blagdon Lake (Avon) from 5th
July. In addition to three regular drakes, first-year drakes appeared on Scilly
and on Shetland in November, most remaining into the New Year.
In Ireland, the usual drake was on Lough Gill (Co.
Kerry) until March (with an additional bird there from 12th-24th
January) & from 22nd October, with the female at Rahasane
Turlough (Co. Galway) until at least 3rd January and then further
singles at Lough Pharisee (Co. Cavan) on 19th February to 30th
March, Lough Gara (Co. Sligo) on 8th March to 4th May and
at Castleplunket (Co. Roscommon) on 30th March. Two reappeared at
Lough Gill in November, remaining into 2016.
The Ruddon’s Point Largo Bay (Fife) female was present
until at least 7th April, while single drakes off Yell in Bluemull
Sound (Shetland) and Burghead (Moray) were seen intermittently from January to
April. The regular Aberdeenshire adult drake appeared at St Combs from 28th-31st
January, with an immature drake off Maenporth (Cornwall) from 27th
January until 17th March. On 5th April, the usual drake
returned to the Ythan Estuary to moult/, being last reported on 20th
June, with a drake at Buness, Unst (Shetland) on 7th-9th
June. During the second half of the year, the usual drake had returned to Nairn
by early July, with a drake off Annagh Head (Co. Mayo) on 20th
A very popular first-winter drake was on the River Don
in north Aberdeen from 3rd January until 21st May with a
female at Brora (Sutherland) from 17th February until 30th
An adult drake was with Common Scoters off Rossbeigh
(County Kerry) from 8th January until at least 3rd April, while
another was at Cheswick Sands (Northumberland) from 21st January
until 26th March. The Kerry drake reappeared on 10th
October, remaining into 2016.
No less than 18 regular wintering birds in the first
winter period (including up to 9 individuals off of Old Colwyn, North Wales)
with a widespread influx in the second winter period, perhaps involving up to
30 birds.
A first-winter drake bearing a metal ring and of
unknown origin arrived with Tufted Ducks at Priory Country Park, Bedford (Beds)
on 29th October but was never seen again. Three further birds, all
bearing coloured plastic rings, were considered to be escapes from captivity.
A pair, assumed to be of Nearctic origin, remained on
Tory Island (Co. Donegal) from 19th-23rd May.
Away from Scotland where the centenary chick was
fledged in July, vagrants included a wide-ranging 2nd-winter in
Essex on 13th-15th March, relocating to Suffolk and
Norfolk from 15th-23rd March. It then reappeared in
Norfolk Broadland from 18th-25th April and was last seen
flying north over Gibraltar Point NNR (Lincs) on 25th April.
The escaped adult bearing a white ring survived in
Suffolk until at least early September while incoming migrants in spring
included singles at Eastry & Bough Beech Reservoir (Kent) on 23rd
March, Hayle (Cornwall) on 8th April, Kingsdon (Somerset) on 10th
April, Grove (Kent) on 11th April, Minsmere (Suffolk) on 24th
April, Exnaboe (Shetland) on 26th April, Kingsdon (Somerset) on 10th
April, Grove (Kent) on 11th April, Minsmere (Suffolk) on 24th
April, Exnaboe (Shetland) on 26th April, Kingsdon (Somerset) on 10th
April, Grove (Kent) on 11th April, Littondale (North Yorks) on 23rd
April, Minsmere (Suffolk) on 24th April, Exnaboe (Shetland) on 26th
April, Grove Ferry (Kent) on 9th & 17th May, Ash near
Sandwich (Kent) on 16th May, Titchfield Haven (Hants) on 17th
May, Chelmer Park (Essex) on 25th, Rye Harbour NR (East Sussex) on
25th May, Hayle (Cornwall) on 28th May and New Holkham
(Norfolk) on 1st June.
A male remained on North Ronaldsay (Orkney) from 25th
September into 2016, while a juvenile lingered at Newcastle (Co. Wicklow) from
19th November to 5th December..
Following another very successful breeding season in
Scandinavia/Western Russia, at least 5 made it to Shetland from 23rd
August to 2nd October, with further juveniles on Fair Isle on 13th-21st
September, St David’s Head then Ramsey Island (Pembs) on 22nd
September, Worth Marshes, Sandwich (Kent) on 23rd September, Spurn
Point on 29th September, The Burgh, Burpham (West Sussex) from 29th
September to 11th October, Tarbat Ness (Highland) on 4th
October, Loch of Stenness (Orkney) on 9th-11th October,
Isle of May (Fife) on 10th & 12th October, Holy
Island (Northumberland) on 12th October, Annagh Marsh (Co. Mayo)
from 19th-30th October, Easington/Spurn on 25th
October, Donna Nook (Lincs) on 27th-28th October and at
Gibraltar Point NNR from 28th October until 7th November.
This latter juvenile male then relocated to North Norfolk, where it roosted at
Warham Greens from 15th-17th November before taking up
residence at the south end of Snettisham Pits from 17th November to
7th December. It then moved inland to Abbey Farm, Flitcham, surviving
into January 2016.
A widespread influx took place in Britain in autumn
involving up to 22 juveniles, with 12 or more remaining into the New Year. One
individual, at Holland Haven Country Park in Essex, regularly showed down to a
few feet delighting large numbers of admirers.
A return to form with at least 9 reported in spring
between 15th May and 24th June, with a rather confiding
first-summer male at Chatterley Colliery (Staffs) from 9th July to
18th August. This latter individual then relocated to Lincolnshire,
before moving north to Northumberland, before being finally shot in
Cambridgeshire on its return south in September, while a flourish of juveniles
appeared, including singles at Girdleness (Aberdeenshire), Flamborough Head,
Gibraltar Point and Breydon Water (Norfolk), as well as two at Spurn Point.
As usual, a handful of white morph Greenland Gyrs were
seen briefly in NW Ireland and Highland Region in January, with one lingering
in the Lough Gill area (Co. Kerry) from 19th February to 6th
March and another seen well on Inishbofin (Co. Galway) from late February until
7th April. Towards the end of the year, a juvenile white morph took
up territory in the Balranald RSPB machair, showing very well on occasions.
In Bedfordshire, 3 males were still surviving along
the Greensand Ridge in 2015; the last female recorded was in 2001!
They say lightning doesn’t strike twice but James Lees
hit the jackpot again when he discovered his SECOND Little Crake at Slimbridge
WWT (Gloucs) on 8th October. Sadly this one performed for just two
hours, disappearing into an overgrown ditch after being chased by Moorhens!
The first-winter remained on Lough Gill (Co. Kerry)
from 5th November 2014 until at least 2nd March with that
at Loch nam Feithean, Balranald RSPB, North Uist (Outer Hebrides) from 16th
November 2014 until 3rd April.
The highlight of the year for many was the
first-winter female that survived until New Year’s Day in the cereal crop at
Fraisthorpe (East Yorkshire). This may have been the same bird found dead on
the minor road between Blofield and Strumpshaw (Norfolk) on 22nd
Another bumper year which saw at least 3 pairs attempt
to breed in Britain (only one successfully). The first to appear was a male at
Abbotsbury Swannery (Dorset) from 3rd-10th April,
followed by an influx of at least 8 birds in North Kent from 14th
April. A single bird lingered in West Sussex at Sidlesham Ferry Pool from 13th-17th
April, while a pair visited Bowers Marsh RSPB (Essex) intermittently during 14th
April until 26th May and a trio at the Nene Washes RSPB (Cambs) on
16th April. While several pairs then decided to settle on the North
Kent marshes, others went on a tour of the country with one pair visiting
Middleton Lakes RSPB (Staffs) on 18th April, Neumann’s Flash,
Northwich (Cheshire) next day, Mickle Mere, Ixworth (Suffolk) on 13th
May, Frampton Marsh (Lincs) on 27th-28th May and at
Potteric Carr YWT (East Yorks) on 29th May with another lone
straggler at Grainthorpe (Lincs) from 3rd-9th May.
Elsewhere, singles were noted at Grove Ferry NR (Kent) on 11th-12th
May and Sidlesham Ferry Pool again from 29th May to 7th
June, with a pair at Sandwich Bay (Kent) on 30th May and at
Fingringhoe Wick NR (Essex) on 30th June. With all four nests
failing due to predation by early July, just one adult remained at Cliffe Pools
(Kent) until 15th July
A bird showed distantly at Lakenheath Fen (Suffolk)
from 7th-11th June.
What was presumably last year’s bird returning visited
Bothal Pond (Northumberland) from 28th May to 1st June
then Loch of Skene (Aberdeenshire) on 3rd June.
Another very poor year with singles at Cley NWT
(Norfolk) on 25th April, Pegwell Bay (Kent) on 26th
April, Steart Point (Somerset) on 2nd-3rd May, unusually
north in Scotland at Dornoch (Sutherland) on 7th-10th May
and at Balcomie (Fife) on 30th-31st May and at Ynyslas
(Ceredegion) on 5th June. Come early autumn then a female is found
at Ferrybridge (Dorset) on 3rd August, with another there on 24th
September as well as one in Poole Harbour on Brownsea Island on 1st
A winter-plumaged bird was identified at Alkborough
Flats (North Lincs) on 29th January, while an adult in partial
breeding plumage graced Breydon Water (Norfolk) from 27th-30th
June. A further adult was confirmed at Myroe Levels (Co. Derry) from 23rd
August to 6th September.
A first-summer visited Exminster Marshes RSPB (Devon)
on 23rd-24th May, with another on Tresco (Scilly) on 3rd
July. The autumn period then saw no fewer than 13 reach Ireland, with others
being located in Cumbria, Outer Hebrides, Orkney, Shetland and Scilly in
September and in Norfolk and Leicestershire in October.
One was with Ringed Plover and Dunlin on Tinker’s
Marsh, Walberswick (Suffolk) on 22nd-23rd May, with
another much further north at Findhorn Bay (Moray) on 29th May. What
may have been the Suffolk bird then relocated to Frampton Marsh RSPB on 9th-12th
June, before returning to Snettisham RSPB (Norfolk) from 18th-26th
July. A further bird was reported from Banks Lane Lake, Scorton GP (North
Yorks) on 26th August.
An adult in summer plumage fed in tidal channels at
Pagham Harbour (West Sussex) on 21st-22nd June, followed
by singles at Burnham Deepdale (Norfolk) on 25th-29th
June & 5th-7th July and Low Newton-by-the-Sea
(Northumberland) on 4th July.
An adult spent just the day at Black Hole Marsh,
Seaton (Devon) on 15th August, with a juvenile on Tiree (Argyll)
from 29th September to 2nd October.
The first of the year arrived on Papa Westray (Orkney)
on 25th-28th April, most likely relocating to North
Ronaldsay (Orkney) on 1st-3rd May. An adult then made it
to Cley NWT (Norfolk) on 25th-26th May, most likely
relocating to Frampton Marsh RSPB (Lincs) from 29th May to 12th
June before returning once more to Cley from 13th-21st
June. An adult was then at Kilnsea Wetlands NR (East Yorks) from 4th July to 7th
August, with others at Hatfield Moors (South Yorks) on 15th July,
North Ronaldsay (Orkney) on 21st-24th July, South Gare
(Cleveland) on 4th August, Swim Coots, Hickling Broad (Norfolk) on 9th
August and a spate of fresh arrivals in autumn proper, perhaps involving at
least eight individuals. The last of the year was a juvenile at Musselburgh
Lagoons (Lothian) from 12th-14th November, until killed
by a Sparrowhawk.
In Ireland, one visited County Derry in spring (Lough
Beg on 28th-29th May), followed by singles at Tacumshin
(Co. Wexford) on 19th-21st July, Belfast Harbour Pools
(Co. Antrim) on 27th-29th July
The first identified of the autumn was at Inny Strand,
Waterville (Co. Kerry) on 19th August, witrh either that or another
one there from 28th September to 1st October. Here in the
UK, we mustered just one record – a long-staying but very distant bird with
Dunlin on the River Severn at Slimbridge WWT (Gloucs) from 28th
September to 6th November.
An adult frequented the Big Pool, St Agnes (Scilly)
from 16th-24th July.
A slight improvement in fortunes but not great with
perhaps 16 recorded in autumn, including a well-twitched juvenile in clifftop
fields at White Nothe, Ringstead Bay (Dorset) in September. Although West
Cornwall managed to muster 3 records, Scilly almost blanked out yet again with
just one brief appearance!
Wintering birds included singles at Pett Level (East
Sussex) until 27th February and at North Berwick (Lothian) from 1st-4th
January, the former moving to neighbouring Rye Harbour LNR (East Sussex) from 2nd-11th
March. Spring saw the arrival of two more, with singles at Wheldrake Ings
(North Yorks) on 15th April and Low Newton-by-the-Sea
(Northumberland) on 11th-14th May. During the autumn, an adult moved
from Brockholes Quarry (Lancs) on 20th August to the Conder Estuary
at Glasson (Lancs) from 23rd-26th August, while others
were found on Tiree (Argyll) on 21st-24th October and
Breydon Water (Norfolk) from 29th October into January 2016.
In Ireland, one was on the Rogerstown Estuary (Co.
Dublin) until at least 14th April, with another at Skibbereen (Co.
Cork) on 4th February, while in autumn, singles were at Clogheen
Marsh (Co. Cork) on 30th September to 15th October,
White’s Marsh, Clonakilty (Co. Cork) on 1st-6th October
One was discovered with wintering Icelandic
Black-tailed Godwits at Titchfield Haven NNR (Hants) on 11th January.
It vanished without trace shortly afterwards but then pitched up again on the
Posbrook Floods nearby on 11th April. It reappeared at the Haven on
17th April, where it was then more reliably seen until 9th
May, eventually inhabiting Posbrook daily until at least 29th July.
It was relocated once more, across the Solent on the isle of Wight on 23rd
September, frequenting the tidal River Medina until at least 16th
A wintering juvenile remained in Inverallochy Bay
(Aberdeenshire) from 19th October until 19th January 2015
while in spring, singles visited Arran (Argyll) on 19th-21st
May and Wellington GP (Herefordshire) on 25th May. An adult in full
breeding plumage loitered with intent at Coate Water, Swindon (Wilts) from 16th-27th
August, with further records coming from the River Teign (Devon) on 17th
August and Bryher (Scilly) on 21st September. Later in autumn,
further birds were recorded on Tresco Great Pool (Scilly) on 21st
October, Chard Junction GP (Somerset) from 25th October until at
least 25th November and at Pilmore Strand, Youghal (Co. Cork) from
22nd November into January 2016.
An adult in breeding plumage graced the drained basin
at Meare Heath (Somerset) on 24th-25th April and again
from 29th April to 3rd May constituting one of the
largest twitches of the year. With the last in Britain being well over 20 years
ago, this handsome wader was particularly well received. A totally different
individual – a male – was then discovered in Ireland, visiting Inishdawros,
Ballyconneelly (Co. Galway) briefly on 22nd July. Fortunately for
Irish twitchers, this same bird was relocated much later in the autumn on the
Aran Islands at Kilmurry, performing daily from 15th-19th
In Ireland, records came from The Cull (Co. Wexford)
on 12th & 28th June and Tacumshin Lake (Co. Wexford)
on 14th June, then from Tacumshin/Rosslare (Co. Wexford) on 22nd-26th
September, The Gearagh (Co. Cork) on 29th September and on the
Rogerstown Estuary (Co. Dublin) on 8th-10th November. The
last of the year was at Killorglin (Co. Kerry) on 11th November.
In Britain, a very confiding juvenile reached Yell
(Shetland) from 8th-13th September, with further
transatlantic arrivals at Skokholm (Pembs) on 20th-24th
September and at Pennington/Keyhaven Marshes (Hants) from 23rd
September into 2016. A further first-winter was discovered at Cresswell Pond
(Northumberland) on 9th November, this bird also remaining into
One remained in Pagham Harbour off Church Norton from
9th June until 27th July, while in autumn, one remained
on Tresco (Scilly) from 15th-18th October before
relocating to Cornwall, where it remained from 30th October into
January 2016.
A juvenile made landfall on Par Beach (Cornwall) on 16th
August followed by a first-winter at Pannel Valley NR, Pett (East Sussex) on 19th
September that relocated to Vange Marsh RSPB (Essex) from 20th
September to 3rd October.
Two regular adults appeared in January at Dawlish
Warren NNR (Devon) and at Lochgilphead in Argyll, with that in Cardiff Bay
showing up regularly during February and March. The Devon bird was last reported on 22nd
March, while the Argyll bird stayed until 27th March, while in
Cardiff Bay, two adults lingered from 24th March to 9th
Elsewhere, a first-winter visited Ferrybridge (Dorset)
on 7th March (relocating to Radipole Lake RSPB, Weymouth, from 26th
March to 7th April, Milford-on-Sea, Hants, on 15th April
then in Riverside Park, Southampton, from 3rd-24th May),
an adult was at Ballycotton (Co. Cork) on 1st-8th April,
one was at Tramore Back Strand (Co. Waterford) from 15th March to
7th April, at Bowling Green Marsh, Topsham (Devon) on 9th-10th
May, Llanrhidian Marsh (Gower) on 12th May, Dungeness (Kent) on 16th
May, Kingsmill Lake (Cornwall) on 26th May, on Unst on 11th
June and on St Kilda (Outer Hebrides) on 12th & 21st
June. The regular reappearing 3rd-summer was once more at Oare
Marshes NR (Kent) from 20th June until 23rd August, as
was the Teignmouth (Devon) adult from 23rd August, while a ‘new’
bird was at Lossiemouth (Moray & Nairn) from 4th-16th
October. November saw an adult visit the Farne Islands (Northumberland) on 23rd
& 29th November.
A first-winter was identified in Black Ball Harbour
(Co. Cork) on 15th March remaining until at least 19th
April while in West Cornwall, a 3rd-calendar year bird returned to
Drift Reservoir and fields around Jericho Farm, St Just, from 16th
March to at least 3rd May. This latter bird reappeared on 17th
October, remaining in the area into January 2016.
An adult visited the River Corrib, Waterside, in
Galway City (Co. Galway) on 17th-18th January,
constituting the second record for Ireland.
One was reported from Brora (Sutherland) on 12th
A juvenile was photographed at Rufforth Airfield
(South Yorks) on 2nd-3rd March
The very confiding juvenile at Uig Pier (Skye)
remained present until 4th January
The 2nd-winter survived at Ballycotton Pier
and surroundings (Co. Cork) until at least 30th April, while a
first-winter afforded excellent views at New Brighton (Cheshire & Wirral)
from 3rd February until 9th April, crossing the Mersey to
Seaforth NR (North Merseyside) on 5th-17th April. Later
in the year, an adult summer visited Kilnsea Wetlands NR (East Yorks) on 13th-14th
June and Salthouse Duckpond (Norfolk) on 14th June, last being seen
flying west at Cley & Blakeney Point. Much later in autumn, one was
identified on St Martin’s (Scilly) on 17th-18th November.
What may have been the same bird was seen at Rusheen
Bay (Co. Galway) on 13th June and Lough Beg (Co. Derry) from 22nd
June to 4th July
An adult was seen eating earthworms in a recently
ploughed field south of the A30 at Four Burrows (Cornwall) on 14th
April, this individual relocating to Walmsley Sanctuary (Cornwall) on 19th
April and then Bowling Green Marsh (Devon) on 23rd May. Another was
then seen on the Swords Estuary (Co. Dublin) on 6th May, with a
further at Bothal Pond (Northumberland) on 29th-30th May,
Neatholme Fen, Lound GP (Notts) on 11th June, Old Moor Wetlands RSPB
(West Yorks) on 16th June and Birsay (Orkney) on 20th-22nd
June. One or other then reappeared at Hayle (Cornwall) on 1st July,
Ynys-hir RSPB (Ceredigion) on 2nd July, Burton Mere Wetlands
(Cheshire) on 3rd July before settling on the Teign Estuary at
Kingsteignton (Devon) from 12th-17th July, with further
reports from Cley NWT (Norfolk) on 12th July and Chapel St Leonards
(Lincs) on 16th July. At the end of the year, one began the
longest-ever stay in Ireland, surviving at Blennerville Marsh (Co. Kerry) from
17th October until 29th November.
Another very lean year for this Scandinavian vagrant
with one seen briefly at Gibraltar Point NNR (Lincs) on 30th May and
one resting for an hour at Holland Haven scrape (Essex) on 1st
The usual returning wintering adult was in County
Galway at Nimmo’s Pier and environs erratically during January to April and was
last reported at Fiddaun Island on 5th June. What was presumably the
same wide-ranging adult was then seen at Soldier’s Point (Co. Louth) on 22nd-26th
August and the Rogerstown Estuary (Co. Dublin) on 6th-27th
September, before returning once more to Nimmo’s Pier, Mutton Island Causeway
and Doorus from 24th October, also visiting New Quay (Co. Clare) on
29th November & 6th December.
An adult in breeding plumage spent the day at Gypsy
Lane East, Broom GP (Beds) on 24th April followed by a marked
arrival of birds in May including 2 at Dungeness RSPB Burrowes Pit (Kent) on 14th-15th
and singles at Martin Mere WWT (Lancs) on 24th, Lunt Meadows (Lancs)
on 25th, Paxton Pits NR (Cambs) on 26th, Pugney’s CP
(West Yorks) on 28th and at Swineham GP (Dorset) on 2nd-4th
June. Midsummer saw another spate of occurrences with singles at Blithfield
Reservoir (Staffs) on 15th June, past Whitburn (Tyne & Wear) on
28th June, Saltholme Pools RSPB (Cleveland) on 29th June,
Middleton Lakes RSPB (Staffs) on 3rd July, Leighton Moss RSPB
(Lancs) on 4th-5th July, Frampton Marsh on 5th-7th
July, Dungeness (Kent) on 18th July, Stanwick GP (Northants) on 19th
July, Rutland Water (Leics) on 19th July, Westport Lake (Staffs) on
8th August and Kilnsea Wetlands NR on 9th August.
The first juvenile appeared at Dungeness (Kent) on 17th
August, with another at Hornsea Mere (East Yorks) from 24th-27th;
another then arrived at the ARC Pit at Dungeness on 27th, increasing
to 2 from 30th until 6th September. Further birds were
then discovered at Abberton Reservoir (Essex) on 30th August,
Willington GP (Derbyshire) on 31st August and Cliffe Pools (Kent) on
31st August with another at Ormesby/Filby Broad (Norfolk) on 5th-13th
September before the last two of the year appeared at Heysham Outfalls (Lancs)
from 26th September to 1st October and at Cantley Beet
lagoons (Norfolk) on 7th-8th October.
One flew west at Dungeness Beach (Kent) on 6th
Tom Lowe inadvertently photographed one off South Gare
(Cleveland) on 8th December but despite spending the next four hours
searching, the bird never resurfaced after being attacked by a Great
Black-backed Gull.
A first-winter meena
was present in a Scalloway garden (Shetland) from 25th November to
17th December.
A very confiding first-winter inhabited a Lerwick
garden at 3 Murrayston from Boxing Day until 14th January 2016
constituting the first record for Shetland.
The only record of the year involved a first-summer at
Cwm Cadlan (East Glamorgan) from 15th-17th April.
Despite constant persecution, the small breeding
population in the UK remained constant at about 10-12 pairs.
The County Donegal Kincasslagh bird was seen regularly
until 5th January, with others in Ireland at Gleninagh Mountain (Co.
Clare) on 6th-20th April, Tarmon Hill (Co. Mayo) on 26th
April, Cuilcagh Mountain (Co. Fermanagh) on 7th May and at
Ballinarobe (Co. Mayo) on 12th June. A male summered as usual on
Arranmore Island (Co. Donegal)
One arrived on Great Saltee Island (Co. Wexford) on 11th
April with another found dead on St Kilda (Outer Hebrides) on 1st
A handful of sightings in late October, including
singles at Flamborough Head, Newbiggin (Northumberland), Marsden Quarry and
Whitburn Steel (Tyne & Wear) on 31st October, Boulby Cliffs
(Cleveland) on 1st November, Glynneath (Gower) on 5th-6th
November, Chapel St Leonards (Lincs) on 6th November, Sizewell
(Suffolk) on 7th November and Margate (Kent) on 9th
During a spell of cold, wet, inclement weather, one
remained around the Virgin Atlantic
headquarters on the Manor Way Trading Estate in Crawley (West Sussex) from 28th-30th
March, roosting for much of the time on the wall of the tall building. In
spring proper, at least 6 others were seen, with singles at Flamborough Head
(East Yorks) on 11th April, Verwood (Dorset) on 12th
April, Rutland Water (Leics) on 14th April, Meols (Cheshire) on 22nd
April, Spurn Point on 7th May, Ilkley (West Yorks) on 8th
May then at Pugney’s CP & Calder Park (West Yorks) on 9th May,
The Mullet (Co. Mayo) on 12th May, Lyme Regis (Dorset) on 14th
May, Loddiswell (Devon) on 16th May and another at Spurn on 7th
June. Early autumn saw another spate of sightings with singles over Garnock
Floods (Ayrshire) on 24th June, Beachy Head (East Sussex) on 1st
July and Spurn Point on 8th July, as well as one photographed over
Horsey Dunes (Norfolk) on 5th August. Much later in the autumn, one
lingered at Little Orme (Caernarfonshire) on 5th-6th
October, with others at Land’s End, St Levan and Porthgwarra (Cornwall) on 10th-11th
October and from a boat 8km south of Plymouth (Devon) on 10th
One was seen briefly at Mizen Head (Co. Cork) on 26th
The only record of the year concerned a bird seen on
New Years Eve flying back & forth over the beach between Thorntonloch and
Torness Power Station (Lothian).
An influx took place in early April, involving at
least 33 birds, including 4 at Mizen Head (Co. Cork) on 9th, 4 on St
Mary’s (Scilly) and 2 on Skomer Island (Pembs), at Kilmurrin (Co. Waterford)
and Carnsore Point (Co. Wexford). More and more then continued arriving, with
perhaps as many as 65 in Ireland by 25th April. None were reported
breeding this year, with only a light autumn passage and just one made it
through December surviving into the New Year at Kingswinford (Staffs).
After the first, in Cleveland on 11th
April, a widespread influx took place across Britain throughout the spring, culminating
in a group of 5 that toured various South Coast localities in April and groups
of up to 12 that went from Scilly east along the south and east coasts north to
Yorkshire throughout May and July. A flock of 10 that roosted nightly at
Theberton Grange near Leiston (Suffolk) in June were particularly popular as
were the two breeding pairs in a Cumbrian quarry at Lower Gelt, once news was
released and an observation watchpoint put in place.
The first for Britain and only the second for the
Western Palearctic made landfall at Dungeness Point (Kent) on 22nd
September, presumably having disembarked from a passing vessel. Its arrival had
been associated with a succession of tropical hurricanes leaving the eastern
seaboard of North America with just shy of 600 observers connecting before it
made a dash for freedom in the half hour of decent weather as darkness
For the second year running, the UK was blessed with a
twitchable sighting of this alpine dweller from Central Europe. Although a bird
was seen briefly in spring at East Dene, Bonchurch (Isle of Wight) at 1415 on 7th
April, attention went to a late autumn first-winter that lingered in the
vicinity of a crooked church spire in Chesterfield Town Centre (Derbyshire)
from 8th-19th November. This bird even made it onto
Jeremy Vine’s lunchtime chat show on Radio 2, as well as adorning the pages of
several national newspapers!
A particularly poor year with none noted in spring.
One arrived on St Mary’s Airfield (Scilly) on 27th September,
lingering until at least 27th October
A fairly widespread influx in spring involved at least
24 individuals following the first at Mizen Head (Co.Cork) on 9th
April, while midsummer saw the appearance of singles at Burnham Overy Staithe
(Norfolk) on 17th June and in Lerwick (Shetland) on 2nd-14th
July. In autumn, singles were noted at Dungeness (Kent) on 30th
August, Porthcurno (Cornwall) on 27th September and then
ridiculously late in North Norfolk at Cley on 17th December, moving
west to Blakeney, Morston, Wells-next-the-Sea, Holkham Park and eventually
Brancaster. The sight of a Red-rumped Swallow flying around a Christmas tree on
Christmas Eve was pretty unique and somewhat bizarre!
Singles were noted on Fair Isle (Shetland) on 4th-19th
May and Portland Bill (Dorset) on 9th-10th May in spring,
with an odd midsummer record at Seaford Head (East Sussex) on 21st
June, while the only occurrence in autumn was at Gunner Point, Hayling Island
(Hants) on 5th September.
The hugely popular overwintering Pugney’s CP (West
Yorks) individual remained until 6th January, while in autumn,
singles were identified at Stiffkey Saltmarsh (Norfolk) on 2nd
October, on St Mary’s (Scilly) from 13th-25th October,
Nanjizal (Cornwall) on 31st October and in flight over Spurn Point
on 5th November.
Unusually, one appeared on North Ronaldsay (Orkney) on
5th June. It was a relatively productive autumn, with singles on
Fair Isle on 28th September & 5th October, in Lerwick
(Shetland) from 2nd-5th October, at Spurn Point (East
Yorks) on 3rd October, Gibraltar Point (Lincs) on 4th
October, Scatness (Shetland) on 5th October and a further 26 between
6th October and 5th November, including 7 on Shetland, 5
on Fair Isle, 3 in Yorkshire & Norfolk and others in Cleveland, Cornwall,
Dorset, County Durham, Fife, Orkney, the Outer Hebrides and Scilly. A very late
bird was then seen at Sandy Point, Hayling Island (Hants) on 12th
A flyover at Hengistbury Head (Dorset) on 24th
April was followed by two very popular summer-plumaged males in May, with
singles at Ludworth Moor, on the Derbyshire/Greater Manchester border, on 3rd-4th
May and at Seaton Common (Cleveland) on 10th-12th May. A
better autumn than usual with singles on Tory Island (Co. Donegal) on 30th
September, Pilning Wetlands, Northwick Warth (Gloucs) on 3rd-4th
October, St Mary’s Airfield (Scilly) on 4th-5th October,
Isle of May (Fife) on 6th October, Carrahane Strand (Co. Kerry) on 8th-9th
October, St Abb’s Head (Borders) on 11th October, St Mary’s (Scilly)
on 13th-17th October and Tresco (Scilly) on 18th
A long-staying bird remained in the Loch of Norby area
at Melby (Shetland) from 22nd September until 13th
October with one trapped & ringed at Porthellick Pool, St Mary’s, on 24th
September, while in October, singles reached Foula (Shetland) on 10th
October and North Ronaldsay on 13th October.
At least 9 appeared at the end of September including
a very confiding first-winter at Spurn Point Canal Zone from 3rd-5th
Singles were on the Kirk Beck, Harpham (North Yorks)
from 10th February to 25th March and on Unst (Shetland)
from 24th February to 4th March in the first winter
period, with possibly another at Voe (Shetland) on 2nd-13th
Very small numbers were recorded in Britain in the
first winter period with even less in the second – the second successive year
of such paucity.
A spate of sightings following a constant succession
of deep Atlantic lows, with singles at Kilkee (Co. Clare) on 3rd-4th
June, Tiree (Argyll) on 10th June, Hugh Town, St Mary’s (Scilly) on
19th June and found dead in Treginnis (Pembs) on 27th
Three were recorded in 2015 with singles on Brownsman
Island, Farnes (Northumberland) on 15th-16th August, Fair
Isle on 19th August and trapped & ringed on Thorne Moor (East
Yorks) on 24th August.
A first-winter reached Fair Isle on 20th
In line with recent years, another bumper crop of
occurrencies with some 19 individuals recorded including singles on Whalsay
(Shetland) on 22nd September, Westray (Orkney) on 5th
October, Fair Isle on 7th October, Denmark House, Weybourne
(Norfolk) on 11th October, Covean, St Agnes (Scilly) from 11th-20th
October, Fair Isle on 11th October, Kilnsea (East Yorks) on 12th-13th
October, Holkham Meals (Norfolk) on 12th-19th October,
Sandside Bay, Deerness (Orkney) on 12th October, Flamborough Head on
12th-16th October, Kergord Plantation (Shetland) on 16th-17th
October, Wells Woods (Norfolk) on 16th-20th October, Low
Newton-by-the-Sea (Northumberland) on 16th October, Kings Loke,
Hemsby (Norfolk) on 18th October, Sandwich bay (Kent) on 20th
October to 7th November, Gibraltar Point (Lincs) on 20th
October, Mizen Head (Co. Cork) on 20th October and Bardsey island
(Pembs) on 25th October.
The first-winter male remained on Scilly at Shark’s
Pit, Porthmellon, St Mary’s, until at least 12th January.
One was seen late afternoon on St Mary’s Airfield
(Scilly) on 8th October.
A male lingered on Port Askin, St Agnes (Scilly), from
21st-26th March – only the second to have ever been
recorded on the archipelago in spring. Just one occurred in autumn – a
first-winter male at Eskmeals (Cumbria) from 16th-19th
November. A very poor year by recent standards.
A superb male delighted a succession of admirers as it
performed admirably at Acres Down (Hampshire) throughout the day on 13th
Four recorded this autumn with a first-winter male at
Spurn Point on 3rd October, a first-winter male at Skaw, Unst
(Shetland) on 14th October, a male at Botallack (Cornwall) on 21st
October and a cracking adult male at Landguard NR (Suffolk) on 2nd-3rd
Just five recorded this year with first-winters at
Orfordness (Suffolk) on 10th October, Quendale (Shetland) on 12th-14th
October, Flamborough Head on 14th-20th October and
Hook-with-Warsash (Hants) on 24th October, with an adult male in
Caister Dunes (Norfolk) on 21st-25th October.
One remained on Skokholm (Pembs) from 2nd-10th
June, with another on Fetlar (Shetland) on 16th Jun, with two more
in autumn recorded, at Sanday (Orkney) on 28th September and on Unst
(Shetland) on 4th October..
Exceptionally, one was identified on The Mullet (Co.
Mayo) on 25th May. A succession of autumn storms associated with a
highly active El Nino jetstream resulted in a wave of records later in the year
with singles at Covean, St Agnes (Scilly) on 23rd-24th
September, Ollaberry (Shetland) on 28th September
One remained on North Ronaldsay (Orkney) from 30th
May until 9th June.
Singles typically recorded in Shetland at Baltasound,
Unst, on 20th October and at Gulberwick on 23rd-24th
A first-winter male was seen briefly on Fair Isle on 5th
One made landfall on Whalsay at Symbister on 20th
A singing male remained at Land’s End (Cornwall) from
14th-26th May.
The first to appear was a male at Brownstown Head (Co.
Wexford) from 11th-17th April, followed by further birds
at Kynance Cove, Lizard (Cornwall), on 13th-16th April
(two males), Kenidjack Valley (Cornwall) on 25th April, Bardsey
Island (Gwynedd) on 9th May, South Uist (Outer Hebrides) on 14th
May, Portland Bill (Dorset) on 23rd May, Unst (Shetland) from 25th-28th
May, Balranald RSPB, North Uist (Outer Hebrides) on 4th June, North
Ronaldsay (Orkney) on 20th-21st June and on Fair Isle
from 30th June to 3rd July. Several more were discovered
in autumn, with singles on St Mary’s (Scilly) on 23rd August &
26th September, Europie, Lewis (Outer Hebrides) on 4th-5th
September and at Kelling Water Meadows (Norfolk) on 8th September.
A pair was present on Blakeney Point (Norfolk) on 11th
May: a rather confiding male in the Plantation and a far more skulking female
in neighbouring tamarisks. Both represented the first records for Norfolk and
had arrived on a rather unique weather system that also spawned a Citril Finch
in the same county at the same time. Literally just a few days later, a male
was trapped & ringed on Fair Isle on 15th, remaining on the
archipelago until 26th May and spawning the most expensive twitch
ever in the UK at £1,752!
A male was at Nanjizal (Cornwall) on 19th-20th
April before relocating to Land’s End on 22nd, while in autumn,
single males were at Old fall, Flamborough Head from 18th September
to 1st October and at Mossbank (Shetland) from 25th
September until 13th October.
One was trapped & ringed on Orfordness (Suffolk)
on 9th August, with further records from Wheldrake Ings (West Yorks)
on 12th August and Fair Isle on 15th-16th
Singles noted in Shetland at Dale of Walls on 26th
September, Fair Isle on 27th September & 12th October
and on the Out Skerries on 5th October.
A skulking first-winter remained at Isbister
(Shetland) on 11th-12th September, with another on Fair
Isle on 19th October..
A reeling male was present in Northeast Kent for three
weeks in May.
One was trapped & ringed on Fair Isle on 8th
June, while further migrants included a skulking bird on Blakeney Point
(Norfolk) on 13th-14th June and a singing male at
Inverurie (Aberdeenshire) from 18th-27th June. These were
then followed by an influx in autumn involving at least 7 birds in Shetland and
others in County Cork, Cornwall, County Durham, Fair Isle, Orkney, Norfolk and
East Yorkshire.
One was on Blakeney Point (Norfolk) from 11th-14th
June, while another made an exceptionally long stay on Noss (Shetland) from 22nd
July to 16th August. In autumn, singles were identified at
Collieston Churchyard (Aberdeenshire) on 28th-29th
August, St Agnes (Scilly) on 7th September and on Fair Isle on 8th
A singing male bellowed out from Phragmites at Swan
Pool, Sandwell Valley RSPB, on 17th-18th May, with
another identified at Baltasound, Unst (Shetland), from 3rd-22nd
The 7th for Britain was in Quendale Burn
(Shetland) on 24th September.
One remained on Whalsay (Shetland) from 12th-16th
In spring, singles noted at Portland Bill (Dorset) on
15th May & 16th June, Skokholm (Pembs) on 15th
May, Peninnis Head, St Mary’s (Scilly) on 20th May, Ponsongath
(Cornwall) on 27th May and Sennybridge (Pembs) on 21st
June, with a singing male near Hampton-in-Arden (West Midlands) from 11th
June until 11th July. Not many more were recorded in autumn, with an
odd midsummer record on Blakeney Point (Norfolk) on 31st July and
eight more in September and October and 3 late birds in October.
Singles were noted in early autumn on Fair Isle on 19th-22nd
August, North Ronaldsay (Orkney) on 21st-22nd August,
Gramborough Hill, Salthouse (Norfolk) on 22nd-23rd August
and at Sumburgh Head (Shetland) on 22nd August and 9th-14th
A singing male was present along the Weaver’s Way at
Hickling Broad (Norfolk) briefly on 26th May and this was followed
by an exceptional run of autumn occurrencies, perhaps involving ten birds:
Porthgwarra (Cornwall) on 17th August, St Agnes (Scilly) on 21st
August, Bass Point, Lizard (Cornwall) on 22nd August, Portland Bill
(Dorset) on 22nd & 26th August, Longstone, St mary’s
(Scilly) on 24th-27th August & 19th
September, Salcombe (Devon) on 27th August, Billinge (Lancs) on 31st
August, Galley Head (Co. Cork) on 8th & 17th
September, Sumburgh Head (Shetland) on 14th-18th
September and on Unst from 15th-18th September.
A wintering bird was at Ivy Lake, Chichester GP (West
Sussex) from 5th-19th January, whilst another was photographed at
Marton Mere, Blackpool (Lancs) on 16th January. At the other end of
the year in autumn, some 20 or so appeared in autumn following the first at
Grutness (Shetland) on 5th October. The last to appear were at
Dungeness (Kent) on 16th-20th November, Atherington
Pools, Climping (West Sussex) on 9th-10th December,
Holkham (Norfolk) on Christmas Day and at Ham Wall RSPB (Somerset) from 26th
December into 2016.
Up to 9 appeared in October, with singles at
Inishbofin on 6th, Holy Island (Northumberland) on 8th,
Holkham Pines (Norfolk) on 11th-12th, Great Yarmouth
Cemetery (Norfolk) on 12th-13th,Kilnsea on 12th
and Fair Isle on 14th.
An excellent autumn with singles noted at Sands of
Forvie NNR (Aberdeenshire) on 19th-20th August, Dale of
Walls (Shetland) on 25th August, Scousburgh (Shetland) on 28th
August, on Fair Isle from 8th-11th September, Skateraw
Harbour (Lothian) on 11th-15th September, Inishbofin (Co.
Galway) on 13th-14th September, Uyeasound, Unst (Shetland) on 23rd-27th
September, Kilnsea (East Yorks) on 27th-29th September,
Weisdale Voe, Kergord (Shetland) on 30th September to 4th
October, Kew Villa, Kilnsea on 4th October, Inishmore (Co. Galway)
on 11th October, Garrison Pines, St Mary’s (Scilly) on 11th-12th
October, Erris Head (Co. Mayo) on 22nd-28th October and a
very late bird at Marsden Quarry (Tyne & Wear) on 2nd-7th
For the second spring in succession, an excellent
spring with no less than ten found during 2nd-4th June,
with singles on Out Skerries (Shetland) on 2nd & 6th,
Unst on 2nd, Sanday (Orkney) on 3rd, 1-2 on Fair Isle on
3rd-5th, St Martin’s (Scilly) on 4th-11th,
Swining (Shetland) on 5th, Sandwick (Shetland) on 5th-6th
and on Whalsay (Shetland) on 8th. Blakeney Point (Norfolk) on 11th
and Skomer (Pembs) on 12th. A late bird was on Skokholm (Pembs) on
23rd July. An influx of at least 13 individuals occurred in August,
including 2 in County Durham, East Yorkshire, Aberdeenshire, Northumberland
& Orkney and singles on Fair Isle, in Fife and in Shetland.
A hugely successful breeding season led to a
phenomenal autumn influx involving over 2,000 birds between mid September and
mid October, with Shetland daily counts exceeding 130 during 22nd-30th.
A relatively poor autumn with less than 35 recorded,
although a dozen or so reached North Norfolk.
Singles were noted at Wells Woods (Norfolk) on 15th-20th
October, Kingsdown Leas (Kent) on 18th October, Flamborough Head on
27th-28th October and Durlston Head (Dorset) on 31st
A rather lean autumn with very few recorded outside of
Shetland – a mere 15 individuals shared between the east and south coasts!
A superb adult male was at Sumburgh (Shetland) on 21st
The party of 3 remained at Darts Farm & Bowling
Green Marsh, Topsham (Devon) until early March, with just 2 surviving there
until 4th April. They then migrated back east, pausing briefly at
Black Hole Marsh, Seaton (South Devon) next day. In the second winter period,
1-2 were at Minsmere RSPB (Suffolk) from 18th-29th
October, 2 remained at G & M Growers Pit, Broom (Beds) from 31st
October to 2nd November, with singles at Southwold (Suffolk) on 3rd
November and St Olaves (Norfolk) on 8th November. Two were then seen
in Lytchett Bay (Dorset) on 22nd November, relocating to Longham
Lakes, Bournemouth (Dorset) from 22nd-24th, with an
additional party of 3 at Titchfield Haven (Hants) from 7th December
into January 2016.
One was recorded at Dungeness (Kent) on 10th
October, with another at Beachy Head (East Sussex) on 27th October.
A first-winter visited Porthgwarra (Cornwall) on 20th
October before relocating to Ouessant in France next day.
An adult male visited St Martin’s (Scilly) on the
highly unusual date of 2nd July while in autumn, first-winters were
identified at Beeston Common (Norfolk) on 11th-19th
October, Holkham Meals (Norfolk) on 14th-19th October,
Mundesley (Norfolk) on 15th October and at South Huish Marshes
(Devon) on 14th-19th October.
The first of the spring made landfall at Porthgwarra
(Cornwall) on 31st March, with 3 more in Cornwall in April & May
and 3 further birds in Pembrokeshire and others in Devon, Cork and Wexford. The
only records in autumn involved single juveniles on St Mary’s (Scilly) on 19th
August, Blakehill Farm (Wilts) on 28th-29th August, The
Lizard (Cornwall) on 30th August and Nosterfield (North Yorks) on 13th-19th
A male of the form badius
was at Wykeham Forest (North Yorks) on 13th May.
Just two records this year – at Lunna Ness (Shetland)
on 25th August and at Cromer (Norfolk) on 28th August.
One was discovered wintering in Prudhoe village
(Northumberland) on 11th January, remaining in gardens there until
at least 9th February. It may have been the bird found dead in Ryton
(County Durham) on 3rd May. In spring, one appeared on South Uist
(Outer Hebrides) on 19th-21st May, followed by further
singles on Lundy Island (Devon) on 14th June, Fowlsheugh
(Aberdeenshire) on 16th June, at various sites on Lewis & Harris
(Outer Hebrides) on 19th June to 29th July, Hoy (Orkney)
on 24th June and on Fair Isle on 2nd July. Midsummer
birds included singles at Aberavon (Gwent) from 31st July to 5th
August and on Fair Isle from 1st-4th August, while a
further 15 or so juveniles occurred in autumn. The last of the year was at
Tewkesbury (Gloucs) from 22nd October to 11th November,
while the only wintering individual was on the Lizard (Cornwall), surviving
until at least 28th January 2016.
One of the rarest finds of the year was that of a male
in Burnham Overy Dunes just west of Holkham Pines on 10th-11th
May. Just shy of a thousand observers connected on the Sunday but disappearing
west shortly after dawn the following day left almost as many disappointed!
A single male was in song at Yew Tree Brake,
Cinderford, in the Forest of Dean (Gloucs) on 15th February and was
seen again on 21st & 25th March. On 15th
October, Dave Suddaby discovered a male at Termon in County Mayo.
One remained on St Agnes from 25th
September to 2nd October.
One was seen in St Warna’s Cove on St Agnes on 23rd
Another contender for bird of the year – a strikingly
beautiful male at Port Nis, Lewis (Outer Hebrides) from 13th-17th
A first-summer male afforded views down to a few feet
in a Toab garden (Shetland) on 11th May, with another on Dursey
Island (Co. Cork) on 9th June.
An overwintering bird was present at Forest Farm
Country Park (East Glamorgan) from 5th February until 7th
May, with further singles at Gulval, near Penzance (Cornwall) from 12th
February to 22nd April and in Ashdown Forest (West Sussex) on 10th-27th
February. Migrants in spring included singles at Flamborough Head on 15th
& 27th April, while in autumn, above average numbers occurred,
with perhaps 65 in total.
A male was on Fair Isle on 19th May, with
further singles on North Ronaldsay (Orkney) on 20th-25th
May, Baltasound, Unst, on 27th-29th May, Sanday (Orkney)
on 29th May and at Sumburgh Head (Shetland) on 21st June.
At the opposite end of the year, singles appeared on Shetland on Foula on 20th-23rd
September, Bressay on 24th September and on Unst on 5th
October, with singles elsewhere on Lundy Island on 27th September, Cape
Clear Island (Co. Cork) on 5th October, Sandside Bay (Orkney) on 10th
October, Gibraltar Point on 11th October and Yell (Shetland) on 13th
Another poor year with few recorded in spring and just
a dozen or so in autumn. The writing’s clearly on the wall regards the survival
of this species.
Perhaps contender for ‘bird of the year’ was this
superb male that spent 11 days on Bardsey Island (Gwynedd) from 10th-20th
A first-winter afforded views down to a few feet on
Papa Westray (Orkney) on 19th-29th October.
As usual, a male reached Wales in spring, visiting
Skomer Island (Pembs) on 7th June and Saundersfoot (Pembs) on 10th,
while in early autumn, Kester Wilson reported one in Nanjizal Valley (Cornwall)
on 8th August and another immature was seen at Dale of Walls
& IRELAND IN 2015: A Review of the Year
2015 turned out to be the warmest since records began
in 1890, while the El Nino effect that had influenced so much of the autumn
resulted in the wettest November and December in many parts of the country,
bringing unprecedented flooding to parts of Lancashire, Cumbria, Dumfries &
Galloway and Aberdeenshire. In terms of bird diversity, at just 434 species for
combined Britain & Ireland, 2015 was one of the poorest years this

As in 2014, there was just a single new species for
the list in 2015 – an Acadian Flycatcher at Dungeness in September. There were
many other outstanding occurrencies though, favourites among many being the
Citril Finch, Wilson’s Warbler, Cretszchmar’s Bunting, Hudsonian Godwit,
Hudsonian Whimbrel, Great Blue Heron, Crag Martin, Rufous Turtle Dove or
Greater Yellowlegs. Leading UK lister Steve Gantlett was just six species shy
of the Big 600 as we entered the New Year – will 2016 see him make the magic
milestone? Only time will tell.
The Systematic
List that follows highlights the major ornithological rarity events that
headlined during the year – a somewhat sumptuous array of lost waifs.........
The regular adult in Mount’s Bay, Penzance (Cornwall)
back for its 7th consecutive winter was seen intermittently until 8th
March, while that off Pendower Beach (Cornwall) was with Black-throated Divers
on at least 17th-22nd February. The Mount’s Bay adult
reappeared on 30th April, in full breeding splendour, gracing the
bay until 4th May, before returning for its 8th winter on
26th November.
Another good year. Wintering records included singles
in Bluemull Sound (Shetland) until 15th March, off Kirkabister
(Shetland) until 5th March and at St Margaret’s Hope, South
Ronaldsay (Orkney) until 20th March. Up to 12 were then recorded in
the cold waters between Portsoy and Burghead Between 13th March and
10th May, while elsewhere in spring, at least 3 were offshore of
Port Nis, Lewis (Outer Hebrides) from 16th-20th April and
singles in Gruinard Bay (Highland) on 15th April, Water Sound
(Orkney) again from 17th April to 9th May, Eshaness
(Shetland) on 1st May and Quendale (Shetland) on 2nd May.
The regular Bluemull Sound adult reappeared in Shetland on 28th
A tired transatlantic migrant spent the day resting on
the River Severn off Berkeley Power Station (Gloucs) on 24th April
before moving north overnight to Leighton Moss RSPB (Lancs), where it delighted
large numbers of admirers from 25th April to 4th May.
A spate of sightings off SW Ireland in early August
perhaps involving 4 or 5 individuals followed by one photographed 16 km SSE of
St Mary’s (Scilly) on 16th August and others flying past Kilcummin Head
(Co. Mayo) on 23rd August, both Flamborough Head & Scarborough
(Yorkshire) on 8th September
Dave Flumm watched one for 5 minutes from 0817-0822
off Pendeen Watchpoint (Cornwall) on 29th July and then had the
audacity to see another at the same site on 31st August, this one
lingering less shortly.
Rather unusually, the first of the year was sighted
110 miles WNW of Slyne Head (Co. Galway) on 21st April. This was
then followed by rather a lean autumn with singles off Mizen Head (Co. Cork) on
8th & 12th August, The Stags (Co. Cork) on 9th
August, Toe Head (Co. Cork) on 9th August, Baltimore Pelagic Trips
(Co.Cork) on 15th, 16th & 29th August and
Bridges of Ross (Co. Clare) on 25th August. Bob Flood’s Scilly
pelagic failed to reap results until as late as 14th August,
recording just 1-2 birds from then until 15th September.
Undisputed record of the year involved an adult
Black-browed Albatross that joined a small group of Mute Swans behind West
Hide, Minsmere RSPB (Suffolk) for just a few minutes during a heavy rainstorm
on 12th July. One of the most incredulous records ever! It was the same
bird that has spent two summers on Helgoland in Germany.
About a dozen lucky observers watched a sub-adult pass
Gwennap Head, Porthgwarra (Cornwall) from 0805-0810 hours on 28th
The first of the spring was unfortunately found dead
at St Buryan (Cornwall) on 12th May. This was then followed by a
rather confiding male on Porthloo Duckpond, St Mary’s (Scilly) from 13th May to
9th June before a barking male was located at Lakenheath Fen RSPB
(Suffolk) from 16th May until 26th June. Further birds
were then located in Cornwall, with a long-stayer at Tresemple Pool/St Clement
from 17th-28th May and at Helston Loe Pool on 17th
May. At the regular breeding site in Somerset at Shapwick Heath NNR, no less
than 4 barking males were present between mid May and early July, while further
records involved a male at Kirkby-on-Bain GP (Lincs) on 28th June
and barking males at Old Moor RSPB (South Yorks) from 30th June to 18th
August, Swillington Ings (West Yorks) on 11th-12th July
and Willington GP (Derbyshire) on 2nd August.
A first-winter afforded some very fine views as it
frequented the reedy edge of Castlefreke Lake (Co. Cork) from 25th
November until 6th December, constituting the first-ever twitchable
individual in Ireland.
A juvenile roosted in Nickoll’s Quarry, Hythe (Kent)
from 14th-23rd January, possibly that seen at Steyning
(West Sussex) on 25th January. This was then followed by an influx
in early April involving at least 9 different individuals on Scilly, some of
which sadly did not survive: 3-6 in the Lower Moors/Porthellick area of St
Mary’s from 2nd April to at least 7th May, one on St
Agnes from 3rd-9th April and 3 on Tresco on 5th
April. Further arrivals then took place later in April at Marazion Marsh
(Cornwall), Kingsbridge & Black Hole Marsh, Seaton (Devon), Bournemouth
(Dorset), Burgh-le-Marsh (Lincs) and Attenborough (Notts), with 2 together at
Kinsley (Yorks). Two remained in Cornwall into May, with up to 3 reported on
the Somerset Levels throughout June. An adult was present in the Swillington
Ings area (West Yorks) from 18th August to 3rd September.
In Ireland, a juvenile remained in Youghal (Co. Cork)
until at least 4th February
Two remained from December 2014 at Dungeness RSPB
until at least 26th April , with presumably the third from that area
in December at Hamstreet (Kent) from 11th February until April and
at Warehorne (Kent) on 5th-19th May, at Cooling Marshes
(Kent) on 31st May and at Hersden (Kent) on 13th June.
One then returned to Somerset, being seen near Trull on 25th, while
further singles were noted at Rutland Water (Leics) on 16th June,
both Trimley & Shotley Marshes in Suffolk on 28th June and at St
Andrews (Fife) on 29th July. There then followed an almost
unprecedented influx at the end of August, with a single flock of 25 birds at
Brighstone (Isle of Wight) on 30th, leaving 23 at Coward’s Marsh,
Christchurch (Dorset) later in the day with the additional two at nearby
Stanpit Marsh. The flock then dispersed and continued inland and west, with
several reaching South Wales and others appearing in Devon and Somerset. At
least eight remained until the turn of the year, with at least 3 in Devon and 2
in Somerset.
The West Country saw two arrive in early May, with
singles present at Polgigga (Cornwall) from 5th-12th and
Prawle Point (Devon) on 9th-16th, with further arrivals
from mid-month involving singles at South Milton Ley (Devon) on 13th,
Beesands Ley, Slapton (Devon) on 16th-17th, Land’s End
(Cornwall) on 15th-17th, Nanjizal on 15th,
Goonhilly Downs on the Lizard (Cornwall) on 16th and at Marazion
Marsh RSPB (Cornwall) from 6th-10th June. A long-stayer
was also present on Scilly from 14th May to 3rd June,
favouring Porthellick Pool, St Mary’s, with one in Ireland at Ballycotton Marsh
(Co. Cork) on 22nd May and further singles at Saltholme Pools
(Cleveland) on 18th & 26th June, Kirkby-on-Bain GP
(Lincs) on 27th June, Cemlyn Bay (Anglesey) on 30th June
and at Southease (East Sussex) on 3rd July. In October, one was seen
at Nanjizal on 24th, then at nearby Skewjack on 26th.
Only the third-ever for Britain – a first-winter – remained
on the Isles of Scilly from 14th April until 6th May.
Initially commuting between Lower Moors and Old Town Bay, St Mary’s, on 14th-15th
April, it then relocated to Bryher’s Hell Bay, where it invariably showed well
from 16th-25th April. It then became even more confiding,
visiting the hide pools on Lower Moors from 27th April until 6th
Further breeding took place in Somerset this year with
at least 6 young fledging, while wintering numbers in the first winter period
averaged 52 birds and 61 birds in the second, Dungeness once again attracting
up to 12 individuals and Shapwick Heath NNR at least 19.
Another below average year with just eight in spring involving
singles at Drift Reservoir (Cornwall) from 20th April until 29th
May, Broad Lough (Co. Wicklow) on 29th April, Bryher & St Mary’s
(Scilly) on 3rd-4th May, Lodmoor (Dorset) on 12th-29th
May, Rye Harbour NR (East Sussex) on 13th May, Dungeness RSPB (Kent)
on 13th May, St Martin’s (Scilly) on 15th-16th
& 26th-28th May (and subsequently St Mary’s & St
Agnes on 14th-25th June), Kenfig Pool NR (Gower) on 19th-23rd
June and Ham Wall again on 24th June & 4th July. As
autumn approached, a first-summer took up residence at King’s Fleet, Felixstowe
Ferry (Suffolk) from 14th July to 10th August, with one
briefly at Cley (Norfolk) on 22nd July. The last of the year was at
Steart WWT (Somerset) on 14th October.
One drifted slowly SW into the Wash from Scolt Head
Island, Old Hunstanton and Snettisham RSPB (Norfolk) on 21st-22nd
May, being reseen over Frampton Marsh RSPB, Boston and Kirkby-on-Bain GP
(Lincs) on 22nd, then Midhope Moor (South Yorks) on 23rd
May. One was then seen over Marloes Mere & Skomer Island (Pembs) on 25th
May, making its way further east to Nantyffyllon (East Glamorgan) on 25th,
Coed Morgan (Gwent) on 26th, Skomer again on 2nd June,
Newton Abbot (Devon) on 5th June, both Marazion Marsh and
Constantine (Cornwall) on 7th June, over Penzance, Nanjizal &
Polgigga on 8th June before later flying out to Scilly, drifting
west over St Mary’s and then St Agnes. It moved back to St Martin’s on 9th
then Cornwall later that day, drifting once more back up country at Three
Barrows. A different bird, first noted at Tuddenham St Mary (Suffolk) on 9th
June, was seen at both Narborough and South Raynham (Norfolk) on 12th,
while a juvenile first seen at Wenhaston Marsh (Suffolk) on 28th
July was found to be one of four fledged from a nest in France, all
colour-ringed. Another sibling ranged widely in the Northeast, moving from
Greatham Creek (Cleveland) on 1st August to Haggerston
(Northumberland) next day, with ‘F 05R’ eventually settling at Spurn Point from
3rd-10th August before relocating to Sunk Island and
Stone Creek until 15th September. A separate family member kept to
the south side of the Humber, visiting Blacktoft Sands RSPB (East Yorks) on 3rd
August, then various localities south to Gibraltar Point (Lincs) until 1st
September, perhaps even making it to Cley NWT on 5th. One was then
seen at Hoveringham GP (Notts) on 4th August, before being seen over
Mickleby and Wykeham Forest (North Yorks) next day while F 05P made it to Loch
of Strathbeg RSPB (Aberdeenshire), where it lingered from 6th-23rd
August. Another (unringed juvenile) made it to the South Coast, drifting over
Hythe & Dungeness (Kent) on 7th August before stalling in East
Sussex, where it took up territory in Bexhill-on-Sea for several weeks, last
being noted flying high out to sea on 5th September. One was also in
Dorset, visiting various sites in Poole Harbour on 8th-9th
August before moving west to Portland, Weymouth and various sites on The Fleet
until 12th and then on to Cornwall and Wadebridge on 17th
August with another in off the sea at Landguard NR (Suffolk) on 28th
August being later seen at Clacton-on-Sea (Essex) that day and over Staines
Moor (Middlesex) on 18th September. Sadly, F 05R was shot near Madrid
on 20th September.
In the first winter period, few birds were around,
with long-staying birds just in Cambs, South Devon and County Waterford. March
saw a minor arrival but with just 3 individuals surviving into May. By early
autumn, birds were back, with singles at Brough Airfield Marsh (South Yorks) on
1st-2nd August and at Marloes Mere (Pembs) on 1st
August preceding another minor influx, including 5 birds perhaps of Nearctic
rather than Iberian origin on Fair Isle for over a week or more. At least 8
birds remained into January 2016, with Ireland experiencing a major irruption
in the last week of the year, with 25 or more in County Cork and Waterford..
A party of 4 birds originating from a 2014 Swedish
reintroduction project commuted between Minsmere RSPB Levels, North Warren
& Sudbourne Levels (Suffolk) from 30th December 2014 to 3rd
January, before being satellite-tracked back to Belgium as harsh weather
conditions on the near continent receded. A further family party from the same
scheme appeared in Shetland in September, remaining for at least a month.
On Islay (Argyll), 1-2 were with Barnacle Geese at
Loch Gruinart RSPB and environs until 13th March, while in North
Uist, one remained with Barnacle Geese on Berneray Machair until at least 9th
February. At least two reappeared in mid-October, remaining into 2016.
In Ireland, a regular returning adult was with
Barnacle Geese at Lissadell (Co. Sligo) until at least 20th February,
returning as usual in October.
One was with Pink-footed Geese in the East
Chevington/Druridge Bay area (Northumberland) from 24th January
until 20th February, relocating to Stobswood until 8th
March. It then returned to Scotland where it lingered in the Tullibody area
(Fife) from 11th-24th March. What was presumably the same
adult returned to central Scotland in November, moving with Pinkfeet to
Carstairs from at least 1st-12th December.
The Orkney adult was with Greylag Geese on Stronsay on
25th January, while in autumn, an adult arrived with Dark-bellied
Brent Geese and flew SW past Landguard NR (Suffolk) on 30th
A drake visited Samson (Scilly) on 19th
January, before relocating to the Abbey Pool on Tresco from 27th
January to 17th April, while the long-staying Strontian (Highland
Region) drake was sighted again on 19th April.
In the first winter period, at least 8 were present
(including one in Ireland and 2 females together on the Gannel Estuary in
Cornwall), with 5 migrant males in spring, including two drakes in
Aberdeenshire. Six had returned by October
A drake, presumed to be a returning bird, was at The
Shunan (Orkney) from 17th January to 12th April, while in
spring, a drake remained at Donna Nook (Lincs) from 12th-28th
The almost resident drake of unknown origin was present
at Kingfisher Lake, Blashford (Hants) until 6th March and then again
from 10th November into 2015, while a female remained at Slimbridge
WWT (Gloucs) until 2nd March. A female was then sighted at Lakenheath
Fen RSPB (Suffolk) on 21st-22nd March. In the second
winter period, a ‘new’ drake appeared at Washington WWT (Co. Durham) in
October, actually joining 10 or so captive Ferruginous Ducks in their pen; it
remained into 2016, while a drake bearing a metal ring resided at Dinton
Pastures Country Park (Berks) from 6th December into 2016.
In the first winter period, regular drakes were in
Cardiff Bay at the Wetlands NR and Cosmeston Lakes (East Glamorgan) until 4th
March and Dozmary Pool, Bodmin Moor (Cornwall) until 9th March, Llangorse
Lake (Powys) until 28th February, with a putative at Martnaham Loch
(Ayrshire) from 1st January into April. In spring, a drake visited
Trimley Marshes SWT (Suffolk) on 7th April, with a female on South
Uist (Outer Hebrides) from 11th-15th April, while further
records involved a drake at Wintersett Reservoir (South Yorks) from 4th-17th
May (interestingly the same nasal-saddled bird that had overwintered at
Llangorse Lake) and a returning drake at Blagdon Lake (Avon) from 5th
July. In addition to three regular drakes, first-year drakes appeared on Scilly
and on Shetland in November, most remaining into the New Year.
In Ireland, the usual drake was on Lough Gill (Co.
Kerry) until March (with an additional bird there from 12th-24th
January) & from 22nd October, with the female at Rahasane
Turlough (Co. Galway) until at least 3rd January and then further
singles at Lough Pharisee (Co. Cavan) on 19th February to 30th
March, Lough Gara (Co. Sligo) on 8th March to 4th May and
at Castleplunket (Co. Roscommon) on 30th March. Two reappeared at
Lough Gill in November, remaining into 2016.
The Ruddon’s Point Largo Bay (Fife) female was present
until at least 7th April, while single drakes off Yell in Bluemull
Sound (Shetland) and Burghead (Moray) were seen intermittently from January to
April. The regular Aberdeenshire adult drake appeared at St Combs from 28th-31st
January, with an immature drake off Maenporth (Cornwall) from 27th
January until 17th March. On 5th April, the usual drake
returned to the Ythan Estuary to moult/, being last reported on 20th
June, with a drake at Buness, Unst (Shetland) on 7th-9th
June. During the second half of the year, the usual drake had returned to Nairn
by early July, with a drake off Annagh Head (Co. Mayo) on 20th
A very popular first-winter drake was on the River Don
in north Aberdeen from 3rd January until 21st May with a
female at Brora (Sutherland) from 17th February until 30th
An adult drake was with Common Scoters off Rossbeigh
(County Kerry) from 8th January until at least 3rd April, while
another was at Cheswick Sands (Northumberland) from 21st January
until 26th March. The Kerry drake reappeared on 10th
October, remaining into 2016.
No less than 18 regular wintering birds in the first
winter period (including up to 9 individuals off of Old Colwyn, North Wales)
with a widespread influx in the second winter period, perhaps involving up to
30 birds.
A first-winter drake bearing a metal ring and of
unknown origin arrived with Tufted Ducks at Priory Country Park, Bedford (Beds)
on 29th October but was never seen again. Three further birds, all
bearing coloured plastic rings, were considered to be escapes from captivity.
A pair, assumed to be of Nearctic origin, remained on
Tory Island (Co. Donegal) from 19th-23rd May.
Away from Scotland where the centenary chick was
fledged in July, vagrants included a wide-ranging 2nd-winter in
Essex on 13th-15th March, relocating to Suffolk and
Norfolk from 15th-23rd March. It then reappeared in
Norfolk Broadland from 18th-25th April and was last seen
flying north over Gibraltar Point NNR (Lincs) on 25th April.
The escaped adult bearing a white ring survived in
Suffolk until at least early September while incoming migrants in spring
included singles at Eastry & Bough Beech Reservoir (Kent) on 23rd
March, Hayle (Cornwall) on 8th April, Kingsdon (Somerset) on 10th
April, Grove (Kent) on 11th April, Minsmere (Suffolk) on 24th
April, Exnaboe (Shetland) on 26th April, Kingsdon (Somerset) on 10th
April, Grove (Kent) on 11th April, Minsmere (Suffolk) on 24th
April, Exnaboe (Shetland) on 26th April, Kingsdon (Somerset) on 10th
April, Grove (Kent) on 11th April, Littondale (North Yorks) on 23rd
April, Minsmere (Suffolk) on 24th April, Exnaboe (Shetland) on 26th
April, Grove Ferry (Kent) on 9th & 17th May, Ash near
Sandwich (Kent) on 16th May, Titchfield Haven (Hants) on 17th
May, Chelmer Park (Essex) on 25th, Rye Harbour NR (East Sussex) on
25th May, Hayle (Cornwall) on 28th May and New Holkham
(Norfolk) on 1st June.
A male remained on North Ronaldsay (Orkney) from 25th
September into 2016, while a juvenile lingered at Newcastle (Co. Wicklow) from
19th November to 5th December..
Following another very successful breeding season in
Scandinavia/Western Russia, at least 5 made it to Shetland from 23rd
August to 2nd October, with further juveniles on Fair Isle on 13th-21st
September, St David’s Head then Ramsey Island (Pembs) on 22nd
September, Worth Marshes, Sandwich (Kent) on 23rd September, Spurn
Point on 29th September, The Burgh, Burpham (West Sussex) from 29th
September to 11th October, Tarbat Ness (Highland) on 4th
October, Loch of Stenness (Orkney) on 9th-11th October,
Isle of May (Fife) on 10th & 12th October, Holy
Island (Northumberland) on 12th October, Annagh Marsh (Co. Mayo)
from 19th-30th October, Easington/Spurn on 25th
October, Donna Nook (Lincs) on 27th-28th October and at
Gibraltar Point NNR from 28th October until 7th November.
This latter juvenile male then relocated to North Norfolk, where it roosted at
Warham Greens from 15th-17th November before taking up
residence at the south end of Snettisham Pits from 17th November to
7th December. It then moved inland to Abbey Farm, Flitcham, surviving
into January 2016.
A widespread influx took place in Britain in autumn
involving up to 22 juveniles, with 12 or more remaining into the New Year. One
individual, at Holland Haven Country Park in Essex, regularly showed down to a
few feet delighting large numbers of admirers.
A return to form with at least 9 reported in spring
between 15th May and 24th June, with a rather confiding
first-summer male at Chatterley Colliery (Staffs) from 9th July to
18th August. This latter individual then relocated to Lincolnshire,
before moving north to Northumberland, before being finally shot in
Cambridgeshire on its return south in September, while a flourish of juveniles
appeared, including singles at Girdleness (Aberdeenshire), Flamborough Head,
Gibraltar Point and Breydon Water (Norfolk), as well as two at Spurn Point.
As usual, a handful of white morph Greenland Gyrs were
seen briefly in NW Ireland and Highland Region in January, with one lingering
in the Lough Gill area (Co. Kerry) from 19th February to 6th
March and another seen well on Inishbofin (Co. Galway) from late February until
7th April. Towards the end of the year, a juvenile white morph took
up territory in the Balranald RSPB machair, showing very well on occasions.
In Bedfordshire, 3 males were still surviving along
the Greensand Ridge in 2015; the last female recorded was in 2001!
They say lightning doesn’t strike twice but James Lees
hit the jackpot again when he discovered his SECOND Little Crake at Slimbridge
WWT (Gloucs) on 8th October. Sadly this one performed for just two
hours, disappearing into an overgrown ditch after being chased by Moorhens!
The first-winter remained on Lough Gill (Co. Kerry)
from 5th November 2014 until at least 2nd March with that
at Loch nam Feithean, Balranald RSPB, North Uist (Outer Hebrides) from 16th
November 2014 until 3rd April.
The highlight of the year for many was the
first-winter female that survived until New Year’s Day in the cereal crop at
Fraisthorpe (East Yorkshire). This may have been the same bird found dead on
the minor road between Blofield and Strumpshaw (Norfolk) on 22nd
Another bumper year which saw at least 3 pairs attempt
to breed in Britain (only one successfully). The first to appear was a male at
Abbotsbury Swannery (Dorset) from 3rd-10th April,
followed by an influx of at least 8 birds in North Kent from 14th
April. A single bird lingered in West Sussex at Sidlesham Ferry Pool from 13th-17th
April, while a pair visited Bowers Marsh RSPB (Essex) intermittently during 14th
April until 26th May and a trio at the Nene Washes RSPB (Cambs) on
16th April. While several pairs then decided to settle on the North
Kent marshes, others went on a tour of the country with one pair visiting
Middleton Lakes RSPB (Staffs) on 18th April, Neumann’s Flash,
Northwich (Cheshire) next day, Mickle Mere, Ixworth (Suffolk) on 13th
May, Frampton Marsh (Lincs) on 27th-28th May and at
Potteric Carr YWT (East Yorks) on 29th May with another lone
straggler at Grainthorpe (Lincs) from 3rd-9th May.
Elsewhere, singles were noted at Grove Ferry NR (Kent) on 11th-12th
May and Sidlesham Ferry Pool again from 29th May to 7th
June, with a pair at Sandwich Bay (Kent) on 30th May and at
Fingringhoe Wick NR (Essex) on 30th June. With all four nests
failing due to predation by early July, just one adult remained at Cliffe Pools
(Kent) until 15th July
A bird showed distantly at Lakenheath Fen (Suffolk)
from 7th-11th June.
What was presumably last year’s bird returning visited
Bothal Pond (Northumberland) from 28th May to 1st June
then Loch of Skene (Aberdeenshire) on 3rd June.
Another very poor year with singles at Cley NWT
(Norfolk) on 25th April, Pegwell Bay (Kent) on 26th
April, Steart Point (Somerset) on 2nd-3rd May, unusually
north in Scotland at Dornoch (Sutherland) on 7th-10th May
and at Balcomie (Fife) on 30th-31st May and at Ynyslas
(Ceredegion) on 5th June. Come early autumn then a female is found
at Ferrybridge (Dorset) on 3rd August, with another there on 24th
September as well as one in Poole Harbour on Brownsea Island on 1st
A winter-plumaged bird was identified at Alkborough
Flats (North Lincs) on 29th January, while an adult in partial
breeding plumage graced Breydon Water (Norfolk) from 27th-30th
June. A further adult was confirmed at Myroe Levels (Co. Derry) from 23rd
August to 6th September.
A first-summer visited Exminster Marshes RSPB (Devon)
on 23rd-24th May, with another on Tresco (Scilly) on 3rd
July. The autumn period then saw no fewer than 13 reach Ireland, with others
being located in Cumbria, Outer Hebrides, Orkney, Shetland and Scilly in
September and in Norfolk and Leicestershire in October.
One was with Ringed Plover and Dunlin on Tinker’s
Marsh, Walberswick (Suffolk) on 22nd-23rd May, with
another much further north at Findhorn Bay (Moray) on 29th May. What
may have been the Suffolk bird then relocated to Frampton Marsh RSPB on 9th-12th
June, before returning to Snettisham RSPB (Norfolk) from 18th-26th
July. A further bird was reported from Banks Lane Lake, Scorton GP (North
Yorks) on 26th August.
An adult in summer plumage fed in tidal channels at
Pagham Harbour (West Sussex) on 21st-22nd June, followed
by singles at Burnham Deepdale (Norfolk) on 25th-29th
June & 5th-7th July and Low Newton-by-the-Sea
(Northumberland) on 4th July.
An adult spent just the day at Black Hole Marsh,
Seaton (Devon) on 15th August, with a juvenile on Tiree (Argyll)
from 29th September to 2nd October.
The first of the year arrived on Papa Westray (Orkney)
on 25th-28th April, most likely relocating to North
Ronaldsay (Orkney) on 1st-3rd May. An adult then made it
to Cley NWT (Norfolk) on 25th-26th May, most likely
relocating to Frampton Marsh RSPB (Lincs) from 29th May to 12th
June before returning once more to Cley from 13th-21st
June. An adult was then at Kilnsea Wetlands NR (East Yorks) from 4th July to 7th
August, with others at Hatfield Moors (South Yorks) on 15th July,
North Ronaldsay (Orkney) on 21st-24th July, South Gare
(Cleveland) on 4th August, Swim Coots, Hickling Broad (Norfolk) on 9th
August and a spate of fresh arrivals in autumn proper, perhaps involving at
least eight individuals. The last of the year was a juvenile at Musselburgh
Lagoons (Lothian) from 12th-14th November, until killed
by a Sparrowhawk.
In Ireland, one visited County Derry in spring (Lough
Beg on 28th-29th May), followed by singles at Tacumshin
(Co. Wexford) on 19th-21st July, Belfast Harbour Pools
(Co. Antrim) on 27th-29th July
The first identified of the autumn was at Inny Strand,
Waterville (Co. Kerry) on 19th August, witrh either that or another
one there from 28th September to 1st October. Here in the
UK, we mustered just one record – a long-staying but very distant bird with
Dunlin on the River Severn at Slimbridge WWT (Gloucs) from 28th
September to 6th November.
An adult frequented the Big Pool, St Agnes (Scilly)
from 16th-24th July.
A slight improvement in fortunes but not great with
perhaps 16 recorded in autumn, including a well-twitched juvenile in clifftop
fields at White Nothe, Ringstead Bay (Dorset) in September. Although West
Cornwall managed to muster 3 records, Scilly almost blanked out yet again with
just one brief appearance!
Wintering birds included singles at Pett Level (East
Sussex) until 27th February and at North Berwick (Lothian) from 1st-4th
January, the former moving to neighbouring Rye Harbour LNR (East Sussex) from 2nd-11th
March. Spring saw the arrival of two more, with singles at Wheldrake Ings
(North Yorks) on 15th April and Low Newton-by-the-Sea
(Northumberland) on 11th-14th May. During the autumn, an adult moved
from Brockholes Quarry (Lancs) on 20th August to the Conder Estuary
at Glasson (Lancs) from 23rd-26th August, while others
were found on Tiree (Argyll) on 21st-24th October and
Breydon Water (Norfolk) from 29th October into January 2016.
In Ireland, one was on the Rogerstown Estuary (Co.
Dublin) until at least 14th April, with another at Skibbereen (Co.
Cork) on 4th February, while in autumn, singles were at Clogheen
Marsh (Co. Cork) on 30th September to 15th October,
White’s Marsh, Clonakilty (Co. Cork) on 1st-6th October
One was discovered with wintering Icelandic
Black-tailed Godwits at Titchfield Haven NNR (Hants) on 11th January.
It vanished without trace shortly afterwards but then pitched up again on the
Posbrook Floods nearby on 11th April. It reappeared at the Haven on
17th April, where it was then more reliably seen until 9th
May, eventually inhabiting Posbrook daily until at least 29th July.
It was relocated once more, across the Solent on the isle of Wight on 23rd
September, frequenting the tidal River Medina until at least 16th
A wintering juvenile remained in Inverallochy Bay
(Aberdeenshire) from 19th October until 19th January 2015
while in spring, singles visited Arran (Argyll) on 19th-21st
May and Wellington GP (Herefordshire) on 25th May. An adult in full
breeding plumage loitered with intent at Coate Water, Swindon (Wilts) from 16th-27th
August, with further records coming from the River Teign (Devon) on 17th
August and Bryher (Scilly) on 21st September. Later in autumn,
further birds were recorded on Tresco Great Pool (Scilly) on 21st
October, Chard Junction GP (Somerset) from 25th October until at
least 25th November and at Pilmore Strand, Youghal (Co. Cork) from
22nd November into January 2016.
An adult in breeding plumage graced the drained basin
at Meare Heath (Somerset) on 24th-25th April and again
from 29th April to 3rd May constituting one of the
largest twitches of the year. With the last in Britain being well over 20 years
ago, this handsome wader was particularly well received. A totally different
individual – a male – was then discovered in Ireland, visiting Inishdawros,
Ballyconneelly (Co. Galway) briefly on 22nd July. Fortunately for
Irish twitchers, this same bird was relocated much later in the autumn on the
Aran Islands at Kilmurry, performing daily from 15th-19th
In Ireland, records came from The Cull (Co. Wexford)
on 12th & 28th June and Tacumshin Lake (Co. Wexford)
on 14th June, then from Tacumshin/Rosslare (Co. Wexford) on 22nd-26th
September, The Gearagh (Co. Cork) on 29th September and on the
Rogerstown Estuary (Co. Dublin) on 8th-10th November. The
last of the year was at Killorglin (Co. Kerry) on 11th November.
In Britain, a very confiding juvenile reached Yell
(Shetland) from 8th-13th September, with further
transatlantic arrivals at Skokholm (Pembs) on 20th-24th
September and at Pennington/Keyhaven Marshes (Hants) from 23rd
September into 2016. A further first-winter was discovered at Cresswell Pond
(Northumberland) on 9th November, this bird also remaining into
One remained in Pagham Harbour off Church Norton from
9th June until 27th July, while in autumn, one remained
on Tresco (Scilly) from 15th-18th October before
relocating to Cornwall, where it remained from 30th October into
January 2016.
A juvenile made landfall on Par Beach (Cornwall) on 16th
August followed by a first-winter at Pannel Valley NR, Pett (East Sussex) on 19th
September that relocated to Vange Marsh RSPB (Essex) from 20th
September to 3rd October.
Two regular adults appeared in January at Dawlish
Warren NNR (Devon) and at Lochgilphead in Argyll, with that in Cardiff Bay
showing up regularly during February and March. The Devon bird was last reported on 22nd
March, while the Argyll bird stayed until 27th March, while in
Cardiff Bay, two adults lingered from 24th March to 9th
Elsewhere, a first-winter visited Ferrybridge (Dorset)
on 7th March (relocating to Radipole Lake RSPB, Weymouth, from 26th
March to 7th April, Milford-on-Sea, Hants, on 15th April
then in Riverside Park, Southampton, from 3rd-24th May),
an adult was at Ballycotton (Co. Cork) on 1st-8th April,
one was at Tramore Back Strand (Co. Waterford) from 15th March to
7th April, at Bowling Green Marsh, Topsham (Devon) on 9th-10th
May, Llanrhidian Marsh (Gower) on 12th May, Dungeness (Kent) on 16th
May, Kingsmill Lake (Cornwall) on 26th May, on Unst on 11th
June and on St Kilda (Outer Hebrides) on 12th & 21st
June. The regular reappearing 3rd-summer was once more at Oare
Marshes NR (Kent) from 20th June until 23rd August, as
was the Teignmouth (Devon) adult from 23rd August, while a ‘new’
bird was at Lossiemouth (Moray & Nairn) from 4th-16th
October. November saw an adult visit the Farne Islands (Northumberland) on 23rd
& 29th November.
A first-winter was identified in Black Ball Harbour
(Co. Cork) on 15th March remaining until at least 19th
April while in West Cornwall, a 3rd-calendar year bird returned to
Drift Reservoir and fields around Jericho Farm, St Just, from 16th
March to at least 3rd May. This latter bird reappeared on 17th
October, remaining in the area into January 2016.
An adult visited the River Corrib, Waterside, in
Galway City (Co. Galway) on 17th-18th January,
constituting the second record for Ireland.
One was reported from Brora (Sutherland) on 12th
A juvenile was photographed at Rufforth Airfield
(South Yorks) on 2nd-3rd March
The very confiding juvenile at Uig Pier (Skye)
remained present until 4th January
The 2nd-winter survived at Ballycotton Pier
and surroundings (Co. Cork) until at least 30th April, while a
first-winter afforded excellent views at New Brighton (Cheshire & Wirral)
from 3rd February until 9th April, crossing the Mersey to
Seaforth NR (North Merseyside) on 5th-17th April. Later
in the year, an adult summer visited Kilnsea Wetlands NR (East Yorks) on 13th-14th
June and Salthouse Duckpond (Norfolk) on 14th June, last being seen
flying west at Cley & Blakeney Point. Much later in autumn, one was
identified on St Martin’s (Scilly) on 17th-18th November.
What may have been the same bird was seen at Rusheen
Bay (Co. Galway) on 13th June and Lough Beg (Co. Derry) from 22nd
June to 4th July
An adult was seen eating earthworms in a recently
ploughed field south of the A30 at Four Burrows (Cornwall) on 14th
April, this individual relocating to Walmsley Sanctuary (Cornwall) on 19th
April and then Bowling Green Marsh (Devon) on 23rd May. Another was
then seen on the Swords Estuary (Co. Dublin) on 6th May, with a
further at Bothal Pond (Northumberland) on 29th-30th May,
Neatholme Fen, Lound GP (Notts) on 11th June, Old Moor Wetlands RSPB
(West Yorks) on 16th June and Birsay (Orkney) on 20th-22nd
June. One or other then reappeared at Hayle (Cornwall) on 1st July,
Ynys-hir RSPB (Ceredigion) on 2nd July, Burton Mere Wetlands
(Cheshire) on 3rd July before settling on the Teign Estuary at
Kingsteignton (Devon) from 12th-17th July, with further
reports from Cley NWT (Norfolk) on 12th July and Chapel St Leonards
(Lincs) on 16th July. At the end of the year, one began the
longest-ever stay in Ireland, surviving at Blennerville Marsh (Co. Kerry) from
17th October until 29th November.
Another very lean year for this Scandinavian vagrant
with one seen briefly at Gibraltar Point NNR (Lincs) on 30th May and
one resting for an hour at Holland Haven scrape (Essex) on 1st
The usual returning wintering adult was in County
Galway at Nimmo’s Pier and environs erratically during January to April and was
last reported at Fiddaun Island on 5th June. What was presumably the
same wide-ranging adult was then seen at Soldier’s Point (Co. Louth) on 22nd-26th
August and the Rogerstown Estuary (Co. Dublin) on 6th-27th
September, before returning once more to Nimmo’s Pier, Mutton Island Causeway
and Doorus from 24th October, also visiting New Quay (Co. Clare) on
29th November & 6th December.
An adult in breeding plumage spent the day at Gypsy
Lane East, Broom GP (Beds) on 24th April followed by a marked
arrival of birds in May including 2 at Dungeness RSPB Burrowes Pit (Kent) on 14th-15th
and singles at Martin Mere WWT (Lancs) on 24th, Lunt Meadows (Lancs)
on 25th, Paxton Pits NR (Cambs) on 26th, Pugney’s CP
(West Yorks) on 28th and at Swineham GP (Dorset) on 2nd-4th
June. Midsummer saw another spate of occurrences with singles at Blithfield
Reservoir (Staffs) on 15th June, past Whitburn (Tyne & Wear) on
28th June, Saltholme Pools RSPB (Cleveland) on 29th June,
Middleton Lakes RSPB (Staffs) on 3rd July, Leighton Moss RSPB
(Lancs) on 4th-5th July, Frampton Marsh on 5th-7th
July, Dungeness (Kent) on 18th July, Stanwick GP (Northants) on 19th
July, Rutland Water (Leics) on 19th July, Westport Lake (Staffs) on
8th August and Kilnsea Wetlands NR on 9th August.
The first juvenile appeared at Dungeness (Kent) on 17th
August, with another at Hornsea Mere (East Yorks) from 24th-27th;
another then arrived at the ARC Pit at Dungeness on 27th, increasing
to 2 from 30th until 6th September. Further birds were
then discovered at Abberton Reservoir (Essex) on 30th August,
Willington GP (Derbyshire) on 31st August and Cliffe Pools (Kent) on
31st August with another at Ormesby/Filby Broad (Norfolk) on 5th-13th
September before the last two of the year appeared at Heysham Outfalls (Lancs)
from 26th September to 1st October and at Cantley Beet
lagoons (Norfolk) on 7th-8th October.
One flew west at Dungeness Beach (Kent) on 6th
Tom Lowe inadvertently photographed one off South Gare
(Cleveland) on 8th December but despite spending the next four hours
searching, the bird never resurfaced after being attacked by a Great
Black-backed Gull.
A first-winter meena
was present in a Scalloway garden (Shetland) from 25th November to
17th December.
A very confiding first-winter inhabited a Lerwick
garden at 3 Murrayston from Boxing Day until 14th January 2016
constituting the first record for Shetland.
The only record of the year involved a first-summer at
Cwm Cadlan (East Glamorgan) from 15th-17th April.
Despite constant persecution, the small breeding
population in the UK remained constant at about 10-12 pairs.
The County Donegal Kincasslagh bird was seen regularly
until 5th January, with others in Ireland at Gleninagh Mountain (Co.
Clare) on 6th-20th April, Tarmon Hill (Co. Mayo) on 26th
April, Cuilcagh Mountain (Co. Fermanagh) on 7th May and at
Ballinarobe (Co. Mayo) on 12th June. A male summered as usual on
Arranmore Island (Co. Donegal)
One arrived on Great Saltee Island (Co. Wexford) on 11th
April with another found dead on St Kilda (Outer Hebrides) on 1st
A handful of sightings in late October, including
singles at Flamborough Head, Newbiggin (Northumberland), Marsden Quarry and
Whitburn Steel (Tyne & Wear) on 31st October, Boulby Cliffs
(Cleveland) on 1st November, Glynneath (Gower) on 5th-6th
November, Chapel St Leonards (Lincs) on 6th November, Sizewell
(Suffolk) on 7th November and Margate (Kent) on 9th
During a spell of cold, wet, inclement weather, one
remained around the Virgin Atlantic
headquarters on the Manor Way Trading Estate in Crawley (West Sussex) from 28th-30th
March, roosting for much of the time on the wall of the tall building. In
spring proper, at least 6 others were seen, with singles at Flamborough Head
(East Yorks) on 11th April, Verwood (Dorset) on 12th
April, Rutland Water (Leics) on 14th April, Meols (Cheshire) on 22nd
April, Spurn Point on 7th May, Ilkley (West Yorks) on 8th
May then at Pugney’s CP & Calder Park (West Yorks) on 9th May,
The Mullet (Co. Mayo) on 12th May, Lyme Regis (Dorset) on 14th
May, Loddiswell (Devon) on 16th May and another at Spurn on 7th
June. Early autumn saw another spate of sightings with singles over Garnock
Floods (Ayrshire) on 24th June, Beachy Head (East Sussex) on 1st
July and Spurn Point on 8th July, as well as one photographed over
Horsey Dunes (Norfolk) on 5th August. Much later in the autumn, one
lingered at Little Orme (Caernarfonshire) on 5th-6th
October, with others at Land’s End, St Levan and Porthgwarra (Cornwall) on 10th-11th
October and from a boat 8km south of Plymouth (Devon) on 10th
One was seen briefly at Mizen Head (Co. Cork) on 26th
The only record of the year concerned a bird seen on
New Years Eve flying back & forth over the beach between Thorntonloch and
Torness Power Station (Lothian).
An influx took place in early April, involving at
least 33 birds, including 4 at Mizen Head (Co. Cork) on 9th, 4 on St
Mary’s (Scilly) and 2 on Skomer Island (Pembs), at Kilmurrin (Co. Waterford)
and Carnsore Point (Co. Wexford). More and more then continued arriving, with
perhaps as many as 65 in Ireland by 25th April. None were reported
breeding this year, with only a light autumn passage and just one made it
through December surviving into the New Year at Kingswinford (Staffs).
After the first, in Cleveland on 11th
April, a widespread influx took place across Britain throughout the spring, culminating
in a group of 5 that toured various South Coast localities in April and groups
of up to 12 that went from Scilly east along the south and east coasts north to
Yorkshire throughout May and July. A flock of 10 that roosted nightly at
Theberton Grange near Leiston (Suffolk) in June were particularly popular as
were the two breeding pairs in a Cumbrian quarry at Lower Gelt, once news was
released and an observation watchpoint put in place.
The first for Britain and only the second for the
Western Palearctic made landfall at Dungeness Point (Kent) on 22nd
September, presumably having disembarked from a passing vessel. Its arrival had
been associated with a succession of tropical hurricanes leaving the eastern
seaboard of North America with just shy of 600 observers connecting before it
made a dash for freedom in the half hour of decent weather as darkness
For the second year running, the UK was blessed with a
twitchable sighting of this alpine dweller from Central Europe. Although a bird
was seen briefly in spring at East Dene, Bonchurch (Isle of Wight) at 1415 on 7th
April, attention went to a late autumn first-winter that lingered in the
vicinity of a crooked church spire in Chesterfield Town Centre (Derbyshire)
from 8th-19th November. This bird even made it onto
Jeremy Vine’s lunchtime chat show on Radio 2, as well as adorning the pages of
several national newspapers!
A particularly poor year with none noted in spring.
One arrived on St Mary’s Airfield (Scilly) on 27th September,
lingering until at least 27th October
A fairly widespread influx in spring involved at least
24 individuals following the first at Mizen Head (Co.Cork) on 9th
April, while midsummer saw the appearance of singles at Burnham Overy Staithe
(Norfolk) on 17th June and in Lerwick (Shetland) on 2nd-14th
July. In autumn, singles were noted at Dungeness (Kent) on 30th
August, Porthcurno (Cornwall) on 27th September and then
ridiculously late in North Norfolk at Cley on 17th December, moving
west to Blakeney, Morston, Wells-next-the-Sea, Holkham Park and eventually
Brancaster. The sight of a Red-rumped Swallow flying around a Christmas tree on
Christmas Eve was pretty unique and somewhat bizarre!
Singles were noted on Fair Isle (Shetland) on 4th-19th
May and Portland Bill (Dorset) on 9th-10th May in spring,
with an odd midsummer record at Seaford Head (East Sussex) on 21st
June, while the only occurrence in autumn was at Gunner Point, Hayling Island
(Hants) on 5th September.
The hugely popular overwintering Pugney’s CP (West
Yorks) individual remained until 6th January, while in autumn,
singles were identified at Stiffkey Saltmarsh (Norfolk) on 2nd
October, on St Mary’s (Scilly) from 13th-25th October,
Nanjizal (Cornwall) on 31st October and in flight over Spurn Point
on 5th November.
Unusually, one appeared on North Ronaldsay (Orkney) on
5th June. It was a relatively productive autumn, with singles on
Fair Isle on 28th September & 5th October, in Lerwick
(Shetland) from 2nd-5th October, at Spurn Point (East
Yorks) on 3rd October, Gibraltar Point (Lincs) on 4th
October, Scatness (Shetland) on 5th October and a further 26 between
6th October and 5th November, including 7 on Shetland, 5
on Fair Isle, 3 in Yorkshire & Norfolk and others in Cleveland, Cornwall,
Dorset, County Durham, Fife, Orkney, the Outer Hebrides and Scilly. A very late
bird was then seen at Sandy Point, Hayling Island (Hants) on 12th
A flyover at Hengistbury Head (Dorset) on 24th
April was followed by two very popular summer-plumaged males in May, with
singles at Ludworth Moor, on the Derbyshire/Greater Manchester border, on 3rd-4th
May and at Seaton Common (Cleveland) on 10th-12th May. A
better autumn than usual with singles on Tory Island (Co. Donegal) on 30th
September, Pilning Wetlands, Northwick Warth (Gloucs) on 3rd-4th
October, St Mary’s Airfield (Scilly) on 4th-5th October,
Isle of May (Fife) on 6th October, Carrahane Strand (Co. Kerry) on 8th-9th
October, St Abb’s Head (Borders) on 11th October, St Mary’s (Scilly)
on 13th-17th October and Tresco (Scilly) on 18th
A long-staying bird remained in the Loch of Norby area
at Melby (Shetland) from 22nd September until 13th
October with one trapped & ringed at Porthellick Pool, St Mary’s, on 24th
September, while in October, singles reached Foula (Shetland) on 10th
October and North Ronaldsay on 13th October.
At least 9 appeared at the end of September including
a very confiding first-winter at Spurn Point Canal Zone from 3rd-5th
Singles were on the Kirk Beck, Harpham (North Yorks)
from 10th February to 25th March and on Unst (Shetland)
from 24th February to 4th March in the first winter
period, with possibly another at Voe (Shetland) on 2nd-13th
Very small numbers were recorded in Britain in the
first winter period with even less in the second – the second successive year
of such paucity.
A spate of sightings following a constant succession
of deep Atlantic lows, with singles at Kilkee (Co. Clare) on 3rd-4th
June, Tiree (Argyll) on 10th June, Hugh Town, St Mary’s (Scilly) on
19th June and found dead in Treginnis (Pembs) on 27th
Three were recorded in 2015 with singles on Brownsman
Island, Farnes (Northumberland) on 15th-16th August, Fair
Isle on 19th August and trapped & ringed on Thorne Moor (East
Yorks) on 24th August.
A first-winter reached Fair Isle on 20th
In line with recent years, another bumper crop of
occurrencies with some 19 individuals recorded including singles on Whalsay
(Shetland) on 22nd September, Westray (Orkney) on 5th
October, Fair Isle on 7th October, Denmark House, Weybourne
(Norfolk) on 11th October, Covean, St Agnes (Scilly) from 11th-20th
October, Fair Isle on 11th October, Kilnsea (East Yorks) on 12th-13th
October, Holkham Meals (Norfolk) on 12th-19th October,
Sandside Bay, Deerness (Orkney) on 12th October, Flamborough Head on
12th-16th October, Kergord Plantation (Shetland) on 16th-17th
October, Wells Woods (Norfolk) on 16th-20th October, Low
Newton-by-the-Sea (Northumberland) on 16th October, Kings Loke,
Hemsby (Norfolk) on 18th October, Sandwich bay (Kent) on 20th
October to 7th November, Gibraltar Point (Lincs) on 20th
October, Mizen Head (Co. Cork) on 20th October and Bardsey island
(Pembs) on 25th October.
The first-winter male remained on Scilly at Shark’s
Pit, Porthmellon, St Mary’s, until at least 12th January.
One was seen late afternoon on St Mary’s Airfield
(Scilly) on 8th October.
A male lingered on Port Askin, St Agnes (Scilly), from
21st-26th March – only the second to have ever been
recorded on the archipelago in spring. Just one occurred in autumn – a
first-winter male at Eskmeals (Cumbria) from 16th-19th
November. A very poor year by recent standards.
A superb male delighted a succession of admirers as it
performed admirably at Acres Down (Hampshire) throughout the day on 13th
Four recorded this autumn with a first-winter male at
Spurn Point on 3rd October, a first-winter male at Skaw, Unst
(Shetland) on 14th October, a male at Botallack (Cornwall) on 21st
October and a cracking adult male at Landguard NR (Suffolk) on 2nd-3rd
Just five recorded this year with first-winters at
Orfordness (Suffolk) on 10th October, Quendale (Shetland) on 12th-14th
October, Flamborough Head on 14th-20th October and
Hook-with-Warsash (Hants) on 24th October, with an adult male in
Caister Dunes (Norfolk) on 21st-25th October.
One remained on Skokholm (Pembs) from 2nd-10th
June, with another on Fetlar (Shetland) on 16th Jun, with two more
in autumn recorded, at Sanday (Orkney) on 28th September and on Unst
(Shetland) on 4th October..
Exceptionally, one was identified on The Mullet (Co.
Mayo) on 25th May. A succession of autumn storms associated with a
highly active El Nino jetstream resulted in a wave of records later in the year
with singles at Covean, St Agnes (Scilly) on 23rd-24th
September, Ollaberry (Shetland) on 28th September
One remained on North Ronaldsay (Orkney) from 30th
May until 9th June.
Singles typically recorded in Shetland at Baltasound,
Unst, on 20th October and at Gulberwick on 23rd-24th
A first-winter male was seen briefly on Fair Isle on 5th
One made landfall on Whalsay at Symbister on 20th
A singing male remained at Land’s End (Cornwall) from
14th-26th May.
The first to appear was a male at Brownstown Head (Co.
Wexford) from 11th-17th April, followed by further birds
at Kynance Cove, Lizard (Cornwall), on 13th-16th April
(two males), Kenidjack Valley (Cornwall) on 25th April, Bardsey
Island (Gwynedd) on 9th May, South Uist (Outer Hebrides) on 14th
May, Portland Bill (Dorset) on 23rd May, Unst (Shetland) from 25th-28th
May, Balranald RSPB, North Uist (Outer Hebrides) on 4th June, North
Ronaldsay (Orkney) on 20th-21st June and on Fair Isle
from 30th June to 3rd July. Several more were discovered
in autumn, with singles on St Mary’s (Scilly) on 23rd August &
26th September, Europie, Lewis (Outer Hebrides) on 4th-5th
September and at Kelling Water Meadows (Norfolk) on 8th September.
A pair was present on Blakeney Point (Norfolk) on 11th
May: a rather confiding male in the Plantation and a far more skulking female
in neighbouring tamarisks. Both represented the first records for Norfolk and
had arrived on a rather unique weather system that also spawned a Citril Finch
in the same county at the same time. Literally just a few days later, a male
was trapped & ringed on Fair Isle on 15th, remaining on the
archipelago until 26th May and spawning the most expensive twitch
ever in the UK at £1,752!
A male was at Nanjizal (Cornwall) on 19th-20th
April before relocating to Land’s End on 22nd, while in autumn,
single males were at Old fall, Flamborough Head from 18th September
to 1st October and at Mossbank (Shetland) from 25th
September until 13th October.
One was trapped & ringed on Orfordness (Suffolk)
on 9th August, with further records from Wheldrake Ings (West Yorks)
on 12th August and Fair Isle on 15th-16th
Singles noted in Shetland at Dale of Walls on 26th
September, Fair Isle on 27th September & 12th October
and on the Out Skerries on 5th October.
A skulking first-winter remained at Isbister
(Shetland) on 11th-12th September, with another on Fair
Isle on 19th October..
A reeling male was present in Northeast Kent for three
weeks in May.
One was trapped & ringed on Fair Isle on 8th
June, while further migrants included a skulking bird on Blakeney Point
(Norfolk) on 13th-14th June and a singing male at
Inverurie (Aberdeenshire) from 18th-27th June. These were
then followed by an influx in autumn involving at least 7 birds in Shetland and
others in County Cork, Cornwall, County Durham, Fair Isle, Orkney, Norfolk and
East Yorkshire.
One was on Blakeney Point (Norfolk) from 11th-14th
June, while another made an exceptionally long stay on Noss (Shetland) from 22nd
July to 16th August. In autumn, singles were identified at
Collieston Churchyard (Aberdeenshire) on 28th-29th
August, St Agnes (Scilly) on 7th September and on Fair Isle on 8th
A singing male bellowed out from Phragmites at Swan
Pool, Sandwell Valley RSPB, on 17th-18th May, with
another identified at Baltasound, Unst (Shetland), from 3rd-22nd
The 7th for Britain was in Quendale Burn
(Shetland) on 24th September.
One remained on Whalsay (Shetland) from 12th-16th
In spring, singles noted at Portland Bill (Dorset) on
15th May & 16th June, Skokholm (Pembs) on 15th
May, Peninnis Head, St Mary’s (Scilly) on 20th May, Ponsongath
(Cornwall) on 27th May and Sennybridge (Pembs) on 21st
June, with a singing male near Hampton-in-Arden (West Midlands) from 11th
June until 11th July. Not many more were recorded in autumn, with an
odd midsummer record on Blakeney Point (Norfolk) on 31st July and
eight more in September and October and 3 late birds in October.
Singles were noted in early autumn on Fair Isle on 19th-22nd
August, North Ronaldsay (Orkney) on 21st-22nd August,
Gramborough Hill, Salthouse (Norfolk) on 22nd-23rd August
and at Sumburgh Head (Shetland) on 22nd August and 9th-14th
A singing male was present along the Weaver’s Way at
Hickling Broad (Norfolk) briefly on 26th May and this was followed
by an exceptional run of autumn occurrencies, perhaps involving ten birds:
Porthgwarra (Cornwall) on 17th August, St Agnes (Scilly) on 21st
August, Bass Point, Lizard (Cornwall) on 22nd August, Portland Bill
(Dorset) on 22nd & 26th August, Longstone, St mary’s
(Scilly) on 24th-27th August & 19th
September, Salcombe (Devon) on 27th August, Billinge (Lancs) on 31st
August, Galley Head (Co. Cork) on 8th & 17th
September, Sumburgh Head (Shetland) on 14th-18th
September and on Unst from 15th-18th September.
A wintering bird was at Ivy Lake, Chichester GP (West
Sussex) from 5th-19th January, whilst another was photographed at
Marton Mere, Blackpool (Lancs) on 16th January. At the other end of
the year in autumn, some 20 or so appeared in autumn following the first at
Grutness (Shetland) on 5th October. The last to appear were at
Dungeness (Kent) on 16th-20th November, Atherington
Pools, Climping (West Sussex) on 9th-10th December,
Holkham (Norfolk) on Christmas Day and at Ham Wall RSPB (Somerset) from 26th
December into 2016.
Up to 9 appeared in October, with singles at
Inishbofin on 6th, Holy Island (Northumberland) on 8th,
Holkham Pines (Norfolk) on 11th-12th, Great Yarmouth
Cemetery (Norfolk) on 12th-13th,Kilnsea on 12th
and Fair Isle on 14th.
An excellent autumn with singles noted at Sands of
Forvie NNR (Aberdeenshire) on 19th-20th August, Dale of
Walls (Shetland) on 25th August, Scousburgh (Shetland) on 28th
August, on Fair Isle from 8th-11th September, Skateraw
Harbour (Lothian) on 11th-15th September, Inishbofin (Co.
Galway) on 13th-14th September, Uyeasound, Unst (Shetland) on 23rd-27th
September, Kilnsea (East Yorks) on 27th-29th September,
Weisdale Voe, Kergord (Shetland) on 30th September to 4th
October, Kew Villa, Kilnsea on 4th October, Inishmore (Co. Galway)
on 11th October, Garrison Pines, St Mary’s (Scilly) on 11th-12th
October, Erris Head (Co. Mayo) on 22nd-28th October and a
very late bird at Marsden Quarry (Tyne & Wear) on 2nd-7th
For the second spring in succession, an excellent
spring with no less than ten found during 2nd-4th June,
with singles on Out Skerries (Shetland) on 2nd & 6th,
Unst on 2nd, Sanday (Orkney) on 3rd, 1-2 on Fair Isle on
3rd-5th, St Martin’s (Scilly) on 4th-11th,
Swining (Shetland) on 5th, Sandwick (Shetland) on 5th-6th
and on Whalsay (Shetland) on 8th. Blakeney Point (Norfolk) on 11th
and Skomer (Pembs) on 12th. A late bird was on Skokholm (Pembs) on
23rd July. An influx of at least 13 individuals occurred in August,
including 2 in County Durham, East Yorkshire, Aberdeenshire, Northumberland
& Orkney and singles on Fair Isle, in Fife and in Shetland.
A hugely successful breeding season led to a
phenomenal autumn influx involving over 2,000 birds between mid September and
mid October, with Shetland daily counts exceeding 130 during 22nd-30th.
A relatively poor autumn with less than 35 recorded,
although a dozen or so reached North Norfolk.
Singles were noted at Wells Woods (Norfolk) on 15th-20th
October, Kingsdown Leas (Kent) on 18th October, Flamborough Head on
27th-28th October and Durlston Head (Dorset) on 31st
A rather lean autumn with very few recorded outside of
Shetland – a mere 15 individuals shared between the east and south coasts!
A superb adult male was at Sumburgh (Shetland) on 21st
The party of 3 remained at Darts Farm & Bowling
Green Marsh, Topsham (Devon) until early March, with just 2 surviving there
until 4th April. They then migrated back east, pausing briefly at
Black Hole Marsh, Seaton (South Devon) next day. In the second winter period,
1-2 were at Minsmere RSPB (Suffolk) from 18th-29th
October, 2 remained at G & M Growers Pit, Broom (Beds) from 31st
October to 2nd November, with singles at Southwold (Suffolk) on 3rd
November and St Olaves (Norfolk) on 8th November. Two were then seen
in Lytchett Bay (Dorset) on 22nd November, relocating to Longham
Lakes, Bournemouth (Dorset) from 22nd-24th, with an
additional party of 3 at Titchfield Haven (Hants) from 7th December
into January 2016.
One was recorded at Dungeness (Kent) on 10th
October, with another at Beachy Head (East Sussex) on 27th October.
A first-winter visited Porthgwarra (Cornwall) on 20th
October before relocating to Ouessant in France next day.
An adult male visited St Martin’s (Scilly) on the
highly unusual date of 2nd July while in autumn, first-winters were
identified at Beeston Common (Norfolk) on 11th-19th
October, Holkham Meals (Norfolk) on 14th-19th October,
Mundesley (Norfolk) on 15th October and at South Huish Marshes
(Devon) on 14th-19th October.
The first of the spring made landfall at Porthgwarra
(Cornwall) on 31st March, with 3 more in Cornwall in April & May
and 3 further birds in Pembrokeshire and others in Devon, Cork and Wexford. The
only records in autumn involved single juveniles on St Mary’s (Scilly) on 19th
August, Blakehill Farm (Wilts) on 28th-29th August, The
Lizard (Cornwall) on 30th August and Nosterfield (North Yorks) on 13th-19th
A male of the form badius
was at Wykeham Forest (North Yorks) on 13th May.
Just two records this year – at Lunna Ness (Shetland)
on 25th August and at Cromer (Norfolk) on 28th August.
One was discovered wintering in Prudhoe village
(Northumberland) on 11th January, remaining in gardens there until
at least 9th February. It may have been the bird found dead in Ryton
(County Durham) on 3rd May. In spring, one appeared on South Uist
(Outer Hebrides) on 19th-21st May, followed by further
singles on Lundy Island (Devon) on 14th June, Fowlsheugh
(Aberdeenshire) on 16th June, at various sites on Lewis & Harris
(Outer Hebrides) on 19th June to 29th July, Hoy (Orkney)
on 24th June and on Fair Isle on 2nd July. Midsummer
birds included singles at Aberavon (Gwent) from 31st July to 5th
August and on Fair Isle from 1st-4th August, while a
further 15 or so juveniles occurred in autumn. The last of the year was at
Tewkesbury (Gloucs) from 22nd October to 11th November,
while the only wintering individual was on the Lizard (Cornwall), surviving
until at least 28th January 2016.
One of the rarest finds of the year was that of a male
in Burnham Overy Dunes just west of Holkham Pines on 10th-11th
May. Just shy of a thousand observers connected on the Sunday but disappearing
west shortly after dawn the following day left almost as many disappointed!
A single male was in song at Yew Tree Brake,
Cinderford, in the Forest of Dean (Gloucs) on 15th February and was
seen again on 21st & 25th March. On 15th
October, Dave Suddaby discovered a male at Termon in County Mayo.
One remained on St Agnes from 25th
September to 2nd October.
One was seen in St Warna’s Cove on St Agnes on 23rd
Another contender for bird of the year – a strikingly
beautiful male at Port Nis, Lewis (Outer Hebrides) from 13th-17th
A first-summer male afforded views down to a few feet
in a Toab garden (Shetland) on 11th May, with another on Dursey
Island (Co. Cork) on 9th June.
An overwintering bird was present at Forest Farm
Country Park (East Glamorgan) from 5th February until 7th
May, with further singles at Gulval, near Penzance (Cornwall) from 12th
February to 22nd April and in Ashdown Forest (West Sussex) on 10th-27th
February. Migrants in spring included singles at Flamborough Head on 15th
& 27th April, while in autumn, above average numbers occurred,
with perhaps 65 in total.
A male was on Fair Isle on 19th May, with
further singles on North Ronaldsay (Orkney) on 20th-25th
May, Baltasound, Unst, on 27th-29th May, Sanday (Orkney)
on 29th May and at Sumburgh Head (Shetland) on 21st June.
At the opposite end of the year, singles appeared on Shetland on Foula on 20th-23rd
September, Bressay on 24th September and on Unst on 5th
October, with singles elsewhere on Lundy Island on 27th September, Cape
Clear Island (Co. Cork) on 5th October, Sandside Bay (Orkney) on 10th
October, Gibraltar Point on 11th October and Yell (Shetland) on 13th
Another poor year with few recorded in spring and just
a dozen or so in autumn. The writing’s clearly on the wall regards the survival
of this species.
Perhaps contender for ‘bird of the year’ was this
superb male that spent 11 days on Bardsey Island (Gwynedd) from 10th-20th
A first-winter afforded views down to a few feet on
Papa Westray (Orkney) on 19th-29th October.
As usual, a male reached Wales in spring, visiting
Skomer Island (Pembs) on 7th June and Saundersfoot (Pembs) on 10th,
while in early autumn, Kester Wilson reported one in Nanjizal Valley (Cornwall)
on 8th August and another immature was seen at Dale of Walls
(Shetland) on 24th August.
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