Thursday, 11 November 2010

AMERICAN ROBIN precedes deep Atlantic low

Wirral birder Ian Fleming discovered a first-winter AMERICAN ROBIN late yesterday afternoon at Exminster Marshes RSPB (South Devon), the bird still present this morning and showing well on and off all day (see Gavin Haig's superb image). The bird is frequenting the roadside bushes just north of the Turf Hotel, ranging 50-75 yards to the north as you walk back towards the canalside car park about 800 yards away. It represents the 433rd species recorded in Britain and Ireland this year, just one species short of last year's final tally.

This past week or so has also seen the addition of AMERICAN BITTERN (1-2 in Cornwall), NORTH AMERICAN HEN HARRIER (Tacumshane Lake, County Wexford), YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO (found dead on Orkney) and DESERT LESSER WHITETHROAT (trapped and ringed at Sumburgh Quarry, Shetland - see Roger Riddington's superb images above)